May 2 2008

4 Problems That Bloggers Face at Social Events

The soft launch for at Geek Terminal is my 1st ever ‘blogger social event’ that I ever attended. I will not write about the event itself as many have already covered it. Instead, I shall cover the 4 problems that bloggers might face at such social events.

After attending the event, I see some problems that bloggers might encounter, especially if they are new.


#1. Hi! My name is……

At such events, there is a high chance that everyone you meet there owns at least ONE blog. Which means that everyone meeting anyone would be half expecting to associate people to their online names when they meet and greet. It becomes a problem when one is not as famous.

“Hi! My name is Kris!”


“Krisandro lar!”


“krisandro of”


“The guy who got molested?”

“Dunno who. KThxBye!!!”


#2. Your kickass nick is……

Mine is Krisandro. It is meant to be pronounced as kri-send-dro or kriS-send-dro. At that event, I see that people tend to drop the ‘Rs’ in my nick.

Some called, Kiss-send-dro!”

Some tried, “Kri-send-do!”

The worst did, Kiss-send-do!”

I should have called myself ‘i_love_69′ or something. Everyone will surely remember and know how to pronounce that for sure.


#3. You remember some blogger for weird reasons……

There was a person who stumbled upon my blog when he/she looked up google and searched for ‘Peggy Heng Boobs’. Now, if you click the this link or go to google to search for the term I mentioned. You will most likely see that my blog is 1st on the search results. Click on that and you will find that the post wasn’t about Peggy’s boobs.

Imagine me with such a hilarious memory of her and seeing her in the flesh at that event. I restrained myself from talking to her as it could have went all wrong.

“Hey Peggy Heng right? You wanna hear something about your boobies?”



#4. After taking pictures of the bloggers……

Many bloggers are snap-friendly-people which is the nicer term for cam-whores by the way. LOL. And after taking shit loads of pictures and knowing who is who, you might go home with a huge problem.

“Is this blogger in this pic the anonymous kind? Oh no. What about this guy? Or this girl? Er… shit! Will she be angry if I post her picture? DIE LAR! I NEED TO BLOG NOW! NO TIME TO ASK!!!”


What to do? Krisandro tell you lor….










Mosaic the whole lot lor.

mosaic the whole lot
[Image from ()]

“I took peeeekture of all the bloggers! As yew can SEE, on the left is……..”


Apr 2 2008

Stop looking like Lao Fu Zi!!!

Ruifang and I were at Bugis Junction and I saw Peggy Heng. Ruifang might think otherwise, but I think she is pretty! Anyway, before I digress further, this topic of “Stop looking like Lao Fu Zi!!!” came about when Ruifang noticed a couple sitting behind me.

Ruifang: “Dear! Dear! At my one o’clock, there is a very young couple lor!”

Me: “And then?”

“They VERY YOUNG lor! Especially the guy. I think he is 14 only! You pretend to turn around and look at the food now!”

(I catch a quick glance at them while lousily pretending to look at the food banners)

“WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! The guy look like Lao Fu Zi (老夫子)!!!”

“Yah! And he damn horny lor! Keep kissing the girl! And when they girl cough, he pretend to pat on her chest but actually, he is touching her boobs!”


If you ask me, hardly ANYBODY look good in ANY kind of mustache. Dark skinned people might carry them well but for fair-skinned ones, especially asians, DON’T.

The presumably 14 yr old kid that we saw falls typically into the category of young male teens not realizing that they are starting to grow hair in places that they don’t notice. If hair grows in their pubic region, of course they notice. That and boobs are all they notice at that age.

The problem is that their facial hair doesn’t sprout overnight like you hairy adults. The STRANDS of hair will appear above the upper lip and somehow, NOBODY teaches them to shave.

Which will make them look somewhat like this.

lao fu zi


Let me illustrate my point further.

Edison Chen

edison chen

Some might say, “HE WHERE GOT HANDSOME?” But, this guy has bedded more celebrities than you ever will.

What if I doodled a bit of teen mustache on him?

edison chen mustache



Takeshi Kaneshiro


Regarded to many as the epitome of Asian male beauty.

What if I doodled a bit of teen mustache on him?

takeshi mustache


Oh wait…. Actually, he still looks handsome.

Point is, shave if you can’t grow a full mustache!

But then again, if you can grow a full mustache, don’t grow one like him below.

great mustache
