Jun 5 2010
Dog owner was found! Thanks for helping out to spread the word and all the offers to adopt her!

My Mum found this female brown/white Shih Tzu loitering around Blk 462 Jurong West St.41 today.
She seems to have just went for grooming judging from her short and neat fur and trimmed toenails.
If you are the owner of this lovely dog, or if you know the owner of this Shih Tzu, please call me at XXXXXXXX.
- Brown/white Shih Tzu
- Brown Eyes
- Very friendly
- Found at Blk 462 Jurong West St.41 on 5th June before 11am.

Do help me spread word of this guys! Somebody must be missing this dog a lot.
p.s. She seems to take a liking to me. My heart ached a little when she curled up under my chair just like Junior used to do…
2 comments | tags: brown, dog, female, lost, missing, shih tzu, Singapore, white | posted in Announcements
Jun 5 2008
There are Dogs in my Soup Leh!!!
KuKuNehNeh expected some friends over last Saturday and so she decided to whip up a feast for us like she did the last time for me. This bunch of six girls (including KuKuNehNeh) are called “The Nuttz”. The Nuttz consists of the following members in no particular order.
1. Jacqueline the “Zebra”

2. Yanling the “Monkey”

3. Audrey the “Rat”

4. Deborah the “Ladybird”

5. Ruifang the “Tiger”

6: Huiwen the “Panda”

The pictures are actually from our party last Christmas but I stumbled over it and found it so funny that I have to use it in this post.
WAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!! (They are all so going to kill me)
We had 9 people for the party including the six nuttz, and three boyfriends. We had to draw lots to see who would represent an unfortunate animal.
I was one of the 1st to be ‘painted’ and KuKuNehNeh volunteered to do it. She totally messed up and our resident artist, Audrey, had to do some touch-up but the damage was already done.

Guess what animal I was supposed to be?
I was supposed to be a….

I look more like a man with some skin disease lor.

Tiger eating a very disinterested Giraffe.
I REALLY DIGRESS TOO MUCH! Anyway, back to last Saturday; We went out for an early breakfast in the morning before shopping for the ingredients and she had a shopping list.

If you see the above, it lists the ingredients for the Soup as,
1. Bah Kut
2. Corn
3. Carrot
4. Red dates
5. DOG???
Before I explain further, these are the dishes she came up with.

And of course the focus is on the soup which apparently has ‘DOGS’ in it!

Eh… No dog leh!
Chey!… actually ‘dog’ refers to this lar.

They are actually Chinese Wolfberry which are called “Gao Ki” in hokkien which translates as “Dog’s Teeth”. KuKuNehNeh doesn’t know the former and she only remembers it as “Dog Something”.
13 comments | tags: audrey, chinese wolfberry, christmas, cook, cooking, deborah, dog, food, huiwen, jacqueline, John, Ken, KuKuNehNeh, Yanling | posted in My-Life
Mar 21 2008
Don’t read this if you don’t like cute dogs!
Happy Good Friday everyone! I was supposed to go jogging this morning but I had to save a drowning kid, a pregnant woman from a fire and an old man from Mas Selamat claws.
Now, if you believe all of the above, you will be blessed for life if you transfer $1000 to my POSB account now.
Now, If you think that I am bullshitting, you are right! I was just lazy…
Anyway, Ruifang and I strolled down to have lunch and as I was talking to her, she SUDDENLY squealed in excitement.
Me: “…blah blah blah.. you know blah blah….
Me: “What WHAT?”
Me: “WHAT??”
Yeah, that was the prelude to what I was gonna see.
There was a woman and a kid with a box in the distance. And surrounding her was a litter of puppies. And if I was any gay-er, I would have squealed as well.

The pic is shakey, but I had to show you guys the relative size of the puppies.

And this little one is the cutest of em’ all!
And I leave you a video of a dog named Milo whom I met at Windelyn’s party.
2 comments | tags: cute, dog, KuKuNehNeh, puppy | posted in My-Life