Dec 9 2008
A Mud Fest At Ben & Jerry’s Chunk Fest

Jerry’s Chunk Fest looked promising and that is why a bunch of us decided to go down and hopefully have a time of our lives by celebrating “Peace, Love & Ice Cream”. The weather didn’t help at all and it rain for at least an hour or more right before Fort Canning Green open it’s doors for the festival. There was mud everywhere with the hot sun ensuring that the mud on my white shoes were baked to perfection.

Hendri, Vincent & Yuhui looking at a part on Daphne

Hendri pretends to call someone after looking and the other two openly laughs about it.
We decided to go queue for some Ben & Jerry’s ice cream while waiting for the Vernmonster eaiting contest to start and it was a very bad decision. A never ending queue which we gave up after moving hardly 5 metres in the space of 15 minutes. Only Yuhui had the resolve to continue waiting and he ended up queuing for more than an hour to get some ice cream.
The Vernmonster eating contest was badly held as well. Only a handful of teams were chosen to take part and they had the teams eat the ice cream on the ground level instead of the readily available stage. I could only see a sea of humans surrounding the teams and didn’t even get to see how the Vernmonster combo looked like.

The only saving grace of Ben & Jerry’s Chunk Fest for me? The funny MC, the cool foam machine and the great company.

5 comments | tags: ben & jerry's, ben n jerrys, chaosdingo, chunk fest, daphne, darran, Hendri, ice cream, joey, kknn, limetouch, mud, orcasquall, Sylvia, vincent, yuhui | posted in Events, My-Life
Oct 15 2008
Walking Around Singapore with a 2.21m Tall Man
The Singapore Slingers have a month before their next game on the 5th November against the Malaysian All-Stars and were all given a one week break. Nicholas took the chance to organize an outing with a few of the stars on the team and boy were we lucky! My favourite player, Eric Sandrin and the teams tallest player at 2.21m, Sam Harris, were free to accompany the bloggers for a night out in town!
The people in attendance apart from the basketballers were Mo, Nicholas, Hillary, Daphne, Molemole, Jason, KuKuNehNeh and if you haven’t realised by now….. myself as well.
Eric is a huge man himself who stands at 2.05m in height and already attract stares from the crowd with his presence. But when Sam arrived, he became an instant celebrity and if I get a dollar for every stare, jaw drop and photo request from strangers, I would have made quite a tidy sum from that day alone.
We decided to dine at Newton Food Centre and let them try out delicious stuff like Satay, BBQ Stingray, Kang Kong and delicious dessert like Cheng Teng, Chendol and Ice Kachang. We then drove to City Hall and took a long walk in the heat to the Esplanade and the Merlion and to Raffles MRT where they took a train back to where we started just for fun.

Eric and his girlfriend, Mo

Chopsticks that look like toothpicks in Sam Harris’ hands

Satay will be a million dollar business if he sells them!

This is how pathetic it is when a 1.77m tall Singaporean faces off with them

If you look closely, Sam cast a shadow ON THE CEILING!

Eric trying to sneak on the Merlion

MRT cabins were not built for people of their size

It was great fun hanging out with the basketball stars that day and they were extremely funny and friendly! I have to warn you people on the dangers of neck aches when talking to Sam Harris for extended periods. Wahahahaah!

Catch them in action on the 5th of November at the Indoor Stadium!
13 comments | tags: basketball, basketball stars, bloggers, daphne, eric sandrin, food, hillary, jason, Krisandro, KuKuNehNeh, merlion, mo, molemole, MRT, newton food centre, nicholas, sam harris, Singapore, singapore slingers, Singaporean, train | posted in Events, My-Life
Sep 22 2008
Support Singapore’s Professional Basketball Team: The Slingers!
Thanks to Nicholas, Hillary and Daphne, I was invited to watch the games of the Singapore Slingers at the Singapore Indoor Stadium in the Singapore Challenge Series. Yes, I mentioned ‘Singapore’ 3 times in the last sentence. Sue me.

For the uninitiated, the Slingers is a Singapore professional basketball team which were founded in 2006 and have been playing in the Australian NBL for the past two seasons. In order to continue in their plans of playing in an ASEAN professional league, they have withdrawn from the Australian NBL in July this year and set up this interim competition held in Singapore to prepare them for the direction that they are undertaking.
I heard of the Slingers early last year through newspapers but being a football player, the news of such a local basketball club had me as interested as a lion with a plate of cabbage in front of it. After hearing about the team again through a few bloggers followed by the bugging invitation from Daphne, I decided to bring along KuKuNehNeh (KKNN) and watch the 1st two games of the Slingers against a Philippines team called Air21 which were played on 16th and 21st of September.
What can I say! After watching the two matches, I AM A CONVERT! The action on the courts were fast paced, the players were no amateurs and there were plenty of drama with many heated moments during the games. KKNN is totally attracted to a Slingers player called Eric Sandrin and during last game on the 21st, she was shouting at one point going,
“ERICCC~!!! I LOVE YOUUUU~~~!!!!!”
Eric Sandrin, if you are reading this, my girlfriend has never shouted ‘I Love You’ to me before. I want to strangle you if not for the fact that you are one of my favourite players from the team. Of course there are other factors like you being 2.06 metres tall and having all that strength but I shall not go into that…

Eric is a total joy to watch. Besides looking the part with his Korean-American heritage, he is a monster on the court with his defensive and attacking capabilities and I totally dig his aggresive style which rile up the opponents and that creates chaos on the courts when the opponents fail to keep their cool. There are many more gems in the Slingers team like the sharpshooter Darren Ng who is a doctor by the way and blogs over here. I shall stop talking about the players from here onwards before this turns into a 1000 word essay and turn you readers away.
Support the Slingers and be their 6th Man!

The thing that is apparent and very sad is that the turnout for the opposition team was much more than the people who came to support the Slingers. Do run over to Sistic’s website or Slingers website to find out how you can purchase the affordable tickets to their games. Trust me! You won’t regret it!
Or if you are a blogger, please email me using the contact form found here and I shall try to get you guys some complimentary tickets.
Next game is on the 30th of September (Tuesday) at 7.40pm! I can’t wait!!!!
[All images are from the Slingers Official Website]
17 comments | tags: air21, basketball, bloggers, daphne, Darren ng, eric sandrin, hillary, KuKuNehNeh, nicholas, Singapore, singapore challenge series, singapore indoor stadium, singapore slingers, Sistic | posted in Events
Jul 22 2008
After months of preparation and anticipation, finally had their 2nd Anniversary and Awards at Fig & Olive on Saturday!
Fig & Olive

18 Table Tennis Bats!!!
The committee were at the venue early but we were running around like headless chickens sometimes. Everyone helped one another and we managed to complete our tasks in time. My slaves, Hendri and Miccheng, helped me finish up on the table tennis bats which were given out as award trophies.
Happy 2nd Birthday!
Sylvia hooked the committee up with a lady named Caressa who made us such great looking and tasting cupcakes! If I wasn’t battling the fact that my love handles are starting to look like the edges of the cupcakes, I would have had seconds.
Limetouch at his first Ping Meetup
Molemole & Daughter
Hendri, Me, Kahwee, Darren and Lance
People started trickling in and everyone had their chances to meet up with the bloggers that they come across every now and then in the Ping community. Everyone had name tags that helped identify each one of us and due to the evil blogger by the name of Wendy, I had this tag.
Chao Ah Beng
Everyone loves to hate a Chao Ah Beng and hence I got quite a lot of poofs from the pingsters. But I wasn’t the most hated! The winner is actually…
Shervon & Sheylara
Diana’s lovely daughter, Shervon got the most POOFed award! WAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! Not that she is hated though. Everyone wanted the little girl to win something. =P
NTT & Mintea
The awards were hosted by the laugh inducing duo, NTT & Mintea. Despite a few cock-ups here and there, the awards were given out at a very nice pace. I was nominated for quite a few and I expected to return home empty handed after awhile as other bloggers walked away with their prizes. But I manage to win the “Most Entertaining Blog Award!”
Most Entertaining Blog
And with the votes of the great crowd there, I won the “HP Blog of the Year”!!!
Blog Of The Year
I TOTALLY DIDN’T EXPECT IT! I only remembered being in a daze as I walked up to receive my prizes which consists of….
Lovely Glasses by
…..and the biggest prize of the night….
Photo Robbed from DaintyFlair
HP Mini!
This has to be the most awesome thing I won so far in my life! And no better time than now when I am actually looking to get an UMPC to blog and surf on the go. Thank you to the great people at HP and Waggener Edstrom Worldwide for sponsoring such a prize!
Melvin! If you are reading this, get me a new set soon! I can’t wait to caress it!
Sorry if this post felt very truncated and bullet like. I am so bloody sleepy and I cannot write this post as well as I should. But before I end this post. I will like to thank the following people. Uzyn, Daphne & the committee for organizing such a memorable event. Claudia and Miccheng for preserving the memories in pictures and video.
But most of all,
I want to thank all the readers who nominated and voted for me. Without you guys and girls, I would be just a regular guy with a blog.
Now, I am a regular guy with a blog, armed with two ping pong bats, a glass and a HP MINI!

Oh! And please watch this great lipdub video created by Rinaz for the Anniversary!
Ping Lipdub Project from rinaz on Vimeo.
20 comments | tags: blog, bloggers, Caressa, chao ah beng, claudia, daintyflair, daphne, Fig & Olive, Hendri, HP, HP mini, Kahwee, Lance, limetouch, lipdub, Mark Choon, Melvin, Miccheng, Mintea, molemole, NTT,, Blog Awards, Rinaz, Shervon, Sheylara, Sylvia, Uzyn, Waggener Edstrom Worldwide, wendy | posted in Announcements, Events, My-Life