Why I Shouldn’t Order Food When Dazed…


I was at Sentosa today with Ruifang’s family today. Unfortunately, there is no pics of her or me in a bikini. I know you guys are dying to see me in one. “See liao will puke blood and die

After spending half a day in the sweltering sun, my brain gets wonky and such. If you are wondering why do I need to explain for being dazed. Well…….

I was at a Halal Beef noodle store, operated by Muslims wearing Tudongs.

Remember these key words, Halal, Beef, Muslim and Tudong.

Ruifang: “Auntie! Two beef kway teow soups”

Malay Auntie: “Okay! Eating here?”

Me: “Yes!”

(After a while, she grabs a piece of meat with a tweezer and shows it to me.)

Auntie: “Want stomach?”

Me: “Pig stomach?”


RIGHT AFTER I said that, my mind realized that this is a HALAL store, they serve BEEF and I can SEE MUSLIMS wearing TUDONGS cooking the food.

Paiseh to the MAX :oops:

What is wrong with me? All the sun’s fault!

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