Oct 6 2009

Singtel INQ Mini 3G Launch At Civic Plaza


Singtel INQ Mini 3G was launched at Civic Plaza and bloggers & celebrities were invited to attend the very nicely set up containers in front of Ngee Ann City.

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The happy KuKuNehNeh (KKNN)

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Shan and the even happier KKNN

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Randall and the even, even, even happier KKNN

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KKNN and Holly Jean

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Holly Jean and Me

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KKNN and Me

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Me and Dawn

Twitter, being a integral selling point of the INQ Mini 3G, coupled with the enthusiasm of the bloggers in the same room as Dawn, made her pretty interested in figuring out what Twitter is.

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"Twitter si simi lai eh?"

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Randall shows the ropes

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Dawn Yeoh signs up

Unlike the America where most celebrities have more or less embraced social media, especially Twitter; only a handful of local celebrities have actually done the same. Thanks to and the bloggers, and have at least signed up for Twitter and we await with baited breath if they will actually use their accounts regularly. Go add em and urge them on!

Jul 21 2009

Not Very Social…

I finally recovered fully from the flu that plagued me like a sticky booger that wouldn’t leave me for 3 weeks. However good that might sound, it was overshadowed by the fact that I have not been jogging since the onset of the flu and I am (almost) back to square one for my fitness. And guess what? My army half marathon is only 4 weeks away.

I am so dead.

On top of that, I haven’t been feeling up to my usual self lately and feeling quite anti-social. I haven’t been up to my jovial self on nor and definitely not updating my blog as often as I should considering that I should be on a campaign for the SG Blog Awards.

Hopefully, by the end of this post, I can finally get out of my shell…. or closet if you like, and get back into my old groove and continue to terrorize the social media world.

Be afraid. Be very… afraid.

Apr 23 2009

Meeting Friends Out of Facebook

I realize that I have huge problems in maintaining friendships.

Part of the problem is the lack of contact if they don’t share the same social media space as me and another bigger part has to be my stinginess in sharing my time. Apart from work, I have the tendency to divide a huge chunk of my time to the girlfriend, most of the rest to social media and close to none to family and friends. It does look very unbalanced but I can hardly imagine spending any lesser time with the gf. Not that she would castrate me if I see her less. And my mind seems to find peace in thinking that the amount of time spent on social media is the substitute for socializing and probably beats meeting friends up in real life as I can probably communicate with much more people with the same allocated time.

Of course the argument is fatally flawed judging from the fact that I have lost touch with friends that I considered myself close with like my primary/secondary school pals, my BMT platoon mates, my RSAF course-mates/colleagues and my WLNY buddies. There are probably more groups that I may have left out but the same outcome applies to all. The bonds all whittled away as I stopped seeing them in the flesh; with clothes of course.

I really should rethink on my time distribution and make more effort to meet these important friends in my life up or else they will all just be a statistical number in my Facebook account.

facebook friends

Apr 21 2009

Does the Media Shape Us or Do We Shape Them?

Have you ever realized what kind of news we enjoy consuming and sharing the most? Negative ones!

The media, both new and old, are awash with negativity. People dying of natural disasters, war-torn countries, celebrity misadventures, mass food poisoning and the occasional penis stuck in the weirdest of objects. And these stories are the ones which has the most coverage across all mediums and the longest staying power at top.

You don’t agree? Let’s compare the imaginary headlines below.

1) Man Saves 100 People from Burning Fires

2) Man Kills 100 People with Burning Fires

Tell me which story would probably have a longer article in the papers? Which story would you most likely hear from your friends and relatives? Which story would most likely become viral on social media tools like Twitter? Which story would you be most interested to read?

Was it the media who shaped us or was it us who shaped the media? As much as the angel in me would point at the former and blame the media, I have to say that I totally enjoy reading negativity. I don’t hope for wars or people dying but frankly, positive news are quite boring.

I would like to read a small column about a young girl who adopted 20 stray animals and feed them off her own pocket money but I would LOVE to read a 2 page spread on the guy who got his penis stuck in a bottle.

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Will it fit???

[Image by Maxey]


We are the ones who shape the media. Sex stories, deaths, negativity and all.