Does the Media Shape Us or Do We Shape Them?
Have you ever realized what kind of news we enjoy consuming and sharing the most? Negative ones!
The media, both new and old, are awash with negativity. People dying of natural disasters, war-torn countries, celebrity misadventures, mass food poisoning and the occasional penis stuck in the weirdest of objects. And these stories are the ones which has the most coverage across all mediums and the longest staying power at top.
You don’t agree? Let’s compare the imaginary headlines below.
1) Man Saves 100 People from Burning Fires
2) Man Kills 100 People with Burning Fires
Tell me which story would probably have a longer article in the papers? Which story would you most likely hear from your friends and relatives? Which story would most likely become viral on social media tools like Twitter? Which story would you be most interested to read?
Was it the media who shaped us or was it us who shaped the media? As much as the angel in me would point at the former and blame the media, I have to say that I totally enjoy reading negativity. I don’t hope for wars or people dying but frankly, positive news are quite boring.
I would like to read a small column about a young girl who adopted 20 stray animals and feed them off her own pocket money but I would LOVE to read a 2 page spread on the guy who got his penis stuck in a bottle.

Will it fit???
[Image by Maxey]
We are the ones who shape the media. Sex stories, deaths, negativity and all.