May 9 2008

A Review of Blogger’s Treat After Watching Two Episodes

bt logo

After watching episode two of Blogger’s Treat, I decided to write a review on it. After all, the videocast is “created by bloggers, for bloggers and with bloggers”. So, how can a blogger not give his/her 2 cents worth on it?

A little background on Blogger’s Treat; It’s a videocast produced by Aaron Koh with support from Michael Cheng at and the host is Sabrina.

This is how Aaron describes Blogger’s Treat:

Blogger’s Treat is a under 10 minutes videocast that features blogger’s favourite and popular food haunt.

It is created by bloggers, for bloggers and with bloggers.

Each episode you will see a guest blogger bring the Blogger’s Treat team to somewhere in Singapore to eat.

As you can see, the “with bloggers” element is very strong here as we often let the guest blogger determine where their favourite food haunt is.

We are limiting ourself to kopitiams, food stalls and small cafes because of budget. Hopefully, we can bring bloggers to high end restaurants in future episode, but I think that itself would be another series.

More of his introduction can be found here.


So far, there are 4 episodes filmed and the 2 episodes available to the public right now are the ones below

Episode One with Guest Blogger, Daphne Maia


Episode Two with Guest Blogger, Hillary Chan

The youtube videos can be very slow to load and if you can’t wait, the faster loading episodes can be found here(Ep1) and here(Ep2).


On the positive side of things, it is a great idea by Aaron to create such a show. Who doesn’t like food? And what better way to introduce food online than with bloggers, who are quite the mini-celebrities in recent times. Aaron might have emphasized that the show is “for bloggers”, but I would see that the viewership of the program will extend to the interested readers of the various bloggers who appear on the show. The videos are also nicely edited with a very light and catchy acoustic guitar tune to kick every episode off.

Okay, the stuffs I am going to say next might send hordes of Sabrina fans calling for my demise (or even Sabrina herself) but oh well, it’s just my view. icon razz

In both episodes, both the guest bloggers totally outshone Sabrina in terms of presentation, speech fluency, presence, enthusiasm and personality. If I didn’t know beforehand and if Sabrina didn’t introduce herself at the start of the show as the host, I would have easily thought that either Daphne or Hillary were the hosts.

In episode 1, Daphne showed good diction, poise and was very believable as a person introducing a food she really liked. There were moments of awkwardness when Sabrina was introducing the chef and also when making small talk with Daphne. The saving grace of the episode is when the chef performed his ‘la mien’ skills which was very entertaining.

In episode 2, Hillary was much more aggressive compared to Daphne in the 1st episode and it resulted in Sabrina taking a backseat almost throughout the whole episode. I thought Sabrina did pretty well in the 1st 20 seconds of the 1st episode but throughout this one, she appeared nervous and uncomfortable when speaking and disinterested when not. Before tucking in, her reactions to the food were not of interest but of “Ah…. So much food ah. I don’t wanna eat leh.. I scared I will grow fat”. Not that it implies that the food sucks, but it still makes the viewer reduce his/her interest in the food.

I am not asking the bloggers on the show to act till they point where they put food in the mouth and then flip over screaming, “OH MYYYYYYYYYYYY GOD!!!!!!” while having orgasms, but it’s good to show enthusiasm and interest in the food that you are presenting and eat it with gusto.

With that much negatives said about Sabrina, I do have to say that it’s only two episodes so far and she is definitely still nervous on camera. She is very presentable looking and definitely performing way below her potential in terms of hosting.

Evidence of how Sabrina can be more believable is from the video below.

It isn’t the most interesting of videos, but if you watched it till the end, you will mostly likely see the same thing as I did. Sabrina spoke with much more comfort and confidence and thus showed a more believable person that we would want to see on Blogger’s Treat.

Good luck to Sabrina and kudos again to Aaron for producing such an interesting local show. I will look forward to future episodes with anticipation.

May 2 2008

4 Problems That Bloggers Face at Social Events

The soft launch for at Geek Terminal is my 1st ever ‘blogger social event’ that I ever attended. I will not write about the event itself as many have already covered it. Instead, I shall cover the 4 problems that bloggers might face at such social events.

After attending the event, I see some problems that bloggers might encounter, especially if they are new.


#1. Hi! My name is……

At such events, there is a high chance that everyone you meet there owns at least ONE blog. Which means that everyone meeting anyone would be half expecting to associate people to their online names when they meet and greet. It becomes a problem when one is not as famous.

“Hi! My name is Kris!”


“Krisandro lar!”


“krisandro of”


“The guy who got molested?”

“Dunno who. KThxBye!!!”


#2. Your kickass nick is……

Mine is Krisandro. It is meant to be pronounced as kri-send-dro or kriS-send-dro. At that event, I see that people tend to drop the ‘Rs’ in my nick.

Some called, Kiss-send-dro!”

Some tried, “Kri-send-do!”

The worst did, Kiss-send-do!”

I should have called myself ‘i_love_69′ or something. Everyone will surely remember and know how to pronounce that for sure.


#3. You remember some blogger for weird reasons……

There was a person who stumbled upon my blog when he/she looked up google and searched for ‘Peggy Heng Boobs’. Now, if you click the this link or go to google to search for the term I mentioned. You will most likely see that my blog is 1st on the search results. Click on that and you will find that the post wasn’t about Peggy’s boobs.

Imagine me with such a hilarious memory of her and seeing her in the flesh at that event. I restrained myself from talking to her as it could have went all wrong.

“Hey Peggy Heng right? You wanna hear something about your boobies?”



#4. After taking pictures of the bloggers……

Many bloggers are snap-friendly-people which is the nicer term for cam-whores by the way. LOL. And after taking shit loads of pictures and knowing who is who, you might go home with a huge problem.

“Is this blogger in this pic the anonymous kind? Oh no. What about this guy? Or this girl? Er… shit! Will she be angry if I post her picture? DIE LAR! I NEED TO BLOG NOW! NO TIME TO ASK!!!”


What to do? Krisandro tell you lor….










Mosaic the whole lot lor.

mosaic the whole lot
[Image from ()]

“I took peeeekture of all the bloggers! As yew can SEE, on the left is……..”
