Oct 31 2009
After much careful consideration, the 3 baby lovebirds are named Tweeter, Puffy and Noa.
Why those names?
Noa, the youngest lovebird, is the 4th child of Bluey and Greenbean and so she is ‘No.4′. And since ‘4′ often represents the letter ‘a’ in L33t sp34k (Elite speak) in the geek world, ‘No.4′ = Noa!
Puffy is named because she audibly huffs and puffs whenever I pick her up. I was intending to name her HuffPuff but KuKuNehNeh decided against it.
Tweeter is named as such because….. well…. She tweets.
Here are some pictures of them!
From L to R: Tweeter, Puffy & Noa
From L to R: Puffy, Noa & Tweeter
They are absolutely adorable at this age (Tweeter & Puffy @ 4 weeks+, Noa @ 3 weeks+) and all they want is the baby handfeeding formula and to cuddle up to my warm palms. I know I am spoiling all the mood of this cute post by saying, all birds love a good stroke.
Yep… It’s true, the 3 birds love it when you stroke their cheeks and heads.
They are also very active! Check out the video below.
And to help you guys understand the complex structure of our lovebird family. Here is a family tree!
Awesome Family Tree isn't it?
5 comments | tags: baby lovebirds, cute, family tree, lovebird, noa, pets, puffy, tweeter | posted in My-Life
Oct 19 2009
The baby lovebirds are doing fine and they grow by the minute! We haven’t decided on the names yet but we are seriously considering your suggestions!

4 comments | tags: baby lovebirds, Bluey, Greenbean, lovebird, Mango, Uno | posted in My-Life
Oct 16 2009
For those that have been following me on and , you guys probably know that my bird family has expanded considerably!
KuKuNehNeh and I have 7 lovebirds now in total and they are:
Bluey! 10 months old and mother of 4!
Greenbean! 9 months old and father of 4! (he thinks he is a spider sometimes)
Uno! 10 weeks old and first child of Bluey and Greenbean
Mango! 5 weeks old! Ain't she a beauty?
Bluey was very quick to start a family after Uno and for the 2nd batch of eggs that she laid, 3 were hatched out of the 6.
Bluey's 2nd batch of eggs and chicks
Look at the size difference! The two larger chicks are only 2 days apart from each other with the oldest one at 12 days old at the time of the pic above and the smallest one is at 2 days old. Before the birth of the runt, we had probably accepted that were only 2 chicks from this batch but this little one surprised us all.
The 2 larger baby lovebirds are now 15 and 17 days old and are being handfed. They don’t have names yet! So to save us from the lack of imagination and them from being called Bird #1 and Bird #2, help me think of names to call them!
Bird #1 & Bird #2... look at how sad they are with no names....
Leave me your suggestions in the comments below!
Try not to give names longer than 2 syllables. When I want the lovebirds over, it’s hard to say “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! COME HERE!”
I leave you with more pics of the lovebirds!
Uno attempting pull-ups
Mango loves a warm hand.
Me with Greenbean, Bluey & Uno
14 comments | tags: baby lovebirds, Bluey, Greenbean, lovebird, Mango, names, Uno | posted in My-Life
Sep 4 2009
How lame can my title get while trying to think of something to correctly represent this post? Haha!
Uno is heading back to Ang Mo Kio today to meet her grandmother KuKuNehNeh who is probably excited enough to accidentally crush the baby lovebird with a bear hug. Uno probably won’t appreciate strippers nor alcohol for a farewell gift and so I decided to let her meet my resident dog, Junior.
This is all that is left of Uno after Junior played Uno….

Junior is quite the coward and he is actually a little wary of Bluey the last time she came around for a 3 day stay. This time, all he did was to take a few sniffs of Uno to decide that this little bird which is about the size of his thigh, is not to be trifled with; and so he promptly turned away as well.

Uno seems pretty oblivious to Junior during the experience. She probably took a look at him and wondered if it’s too early for lunch.
Gonna miss taking care of this little lovebird!

8 comments | tags: baby lovebirds, Junior, lovebird, Uno | posted in My-Life