The Lovebird Family
After much careful consideration, the 3 baby lovebirds are named Tweeter, Puffy and Noa.
Why those names?
Noa, the youngest lovebird, is the 4th child of Bluey and Greenbean and so she is ‘No.4′. And since ‘4′ often represents the letter ‘a’ in L33t sp34k (Elite speak) in the geek world, ‘No.4′ = Noa!
Puffy is named because she audibly huffs and puffs whenever I pick her up. I was intending to name her HuffPuff but KuKuNehNeh decided against it.
Tweeter is named as such because….. well…. She tweets.
Here are some pictures of them!



From L to R: Tweeter, Puffy & Noa

From L to R: Puffy, Noa & Tweeter
They are absolutely adorable at this age (Tweeter & Puffy @ 4 weeks+, Noa @ 3 weeks+) and all they want is the baby handfeeding formula and to cuddle up to my warm palms. I know I am spoiling all the mood of this cute post by saying, all birds love a good stroke.
Yep… It’s true, the 3 birds love it when you stroke their cheeks and heads.
They are also very active! Check out the video below.
And to help you guys understand the complex structure of our lovebird family. Here is a family tree!

Awesome Family Tree isn't it?
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October 31st, 2009 at 3:42 pm
I agree with you totally, they are absolutely adorable.
October 31st, 2009 at 3:46 pm
i love noa! so cuteeee
October 31st, 2009 at 5:30 pm
Will Mango get to start his own family too? I thought Mango is related to you and KKNN. No meh?
November 1st, 2009 at 3:16 am
Wahahahahaha!!! The Big Bird talks and the babies responded!
Kris ah! We should one day let Niko meet your birds!
But hor… I’ve to admit, aiyoh!!! Your BIRDs sooooo cute!!!!!
November 9th, 2009 at 12:37 am
These jiaos are cute to the max!