Feb 19 2010
We need no further proof that I have been neglecting this blog of mine.
It’s birthday was yesterday and I clearly forgot about it! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!
Krisandro.com has been registered for 6 years and I have been blogging ‘seriously’ for almost 2 years since I installed wordpress and stopped editing html to update a 50 word blogpost like the idiot I was back then.

Yup, my traffic for the past year reflects my activity for the blog and even though a good 5000+ of you readers visit my blog for a total of 7000+ times for last month; looking at the graph, I think that average will soon plummet to pre-historic times soon if I don’t get my blogging mojo back soon.
I still have to thank all you loyal readers for frequently checking by even though most of the time you’ll probably be hit by cobwebs or an advertorial you arn’t interested in. It’s you peeps that keep a small but strong desire to keep blogging.
So let’s all wish a big belated Happy Birthday to Krisandro.com!
p.s. I just renewed my domain registration so this space is at least gonna be around till 2012. I hope you bloody Mayans are wrong… :p
7 comments | tags: birthday, domain, Krisandro, krisandro.com, traffic | posted in Announcements
Jun 15 2009

Yep, it’s official! I am shortlisted in Omy’s Singapore Blog Awards 2009 in the Best Laugh-Out-Loud Blog category. I am feeling weird to be shortlisted this year knowing that I failed to be shortlisted last year even though last year was probably my most “LOL” year and I did win Ping.sg’s Most Entertaining Blog and Blog of The Year awards. I have been quite serious this year with all the marathon training posts but maybe the judges felt that running a marathon is the most hilarious thing they have ever heard and I am more deserving this year.
So if you do support me in my quest to win Omy’s Singapore Blog Awards 2009, do head down to the voting page and cast a vote for me. Voters stand a chance to win a Creative Vado (5 to be won. Worth S169) or a 250GB Portable External Hard Disk (5 to be won).
You have to register for an Omy.sg account to vote and it’s free to sign up for one over here.
Head down to Omy here and do the following:
Click on the category ‘Best Laugh-Out-Blog’ and click on the word ‘Vote’ on the top of my avatar.
Log in with your Omy credentials.
Use your own L33T intelligence to navigate after that because I forgot my own Omy credentials to login and I cannot screenshot the rest of the process nor vote for myself. WAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!
I cannot find the voting information as of yet but I think Voters are allowed to cast a vote once a day for each category. So do vote as often as you can!
And in the event that you do not wish to vote for me, do vote for other peeps in my category except for this particular contestant. Anybody should win except him. I do not need to say much. A picture of this particular nominee will do…
Yup. The words and actions on the picture below the said individual says it all.
Voting ends on 31st July 2009, 2359H.
17 comments | tags: Best laugh-out-loud blog, contest, krisandro.com, omy.sg, Singapore blog awards 2009, vote, voting | posted in Announcements, Events, My-Life
Dec 11 2008
Updates At krisandro.com
The previous theme of my blog had many people saying that it was too gay-ish for me even though I really liked the design that was adapted from one of Cimoetz’s designs.
Very GAY MEH????
One other problem I had with the old theme was that it loads pretty slow and so I went to the wordpress theme directory and fell in love with the current theme that you are seeing now. My feel for this theme after tweaking it here and there is that it is much neater than the previous theme with only one sidebar. The colours are also more erm…. *ahem*… manly.
And since the ‘floating’ head of krisandro.com is such an *cough* iconic thing, I have since placed it up where my blog header is.

A couple have complained that it is less ‘read-friendly’ though, and I have made the text in the body darker for better contrast. Many have also complained that the load times are still slow despite it being faster and I don’t think I can do more for that problem apart from changing to a local host.
Any other feedback on the new theme? I would love to hear from you!
Oh! And do join to show your support! I haven’t found a better use for the fan page yet and so for now, it’s all for my ego’s sake.
11 comments | tags: blog, design, Facebook, Krisandro, krisandro.com, theme, wordpress | posted in Announcements
Aug 19 2008
krisandro.com is MOVING!!!
Yes! krisandro.com is finally moving! Not to www.krisandrolovesporn.com but to a new webhost! The current host that I am on is really too slow and the support is lacking.
To ensure that the transition is smoother, I won’t be updating this blog for a few days!
So you all can just erm… visit some other sites and er….
5 comments | tags: blog, krisandro.com, webhost | posted in Announcements