Jul 4 2008
Touch, is one of the 5 senses that every person has learnt about in our life time. When you want intimacy, you touch. When you want to move around in the dark, we touch. When we want to know if an object is hot or cold, you touch. When you want to feel the suppleness of my ka-cheng (backside), YOU TOUCH!
Actually, don’t any-o-how touch my ka-cheng please.
Anyway, the point is not about my ka-cheng in this post. But it is about TOUCH. Not EXACTLY about one of the 5 senses, but I am talking about the…
HP IQ500 TouchSmart!

After attending the awesome HP event the other day organised by the good people at Waggener Edstrom, they said they had a surprise for us this week. AND HERE IT IS!
Me and MY READERS(YOU! YES! YOU!!!) will stand a change to win this amazing PC.
How to Win?
Simply answer the following question in the most creative/ innovative/ productive/ interesting way you can!
Qn: “What will your life be like with HP TouchSmart?”
E.g. In the morning I will use the TouchSmart to check on the weather instead of touching Kris’ ka-cheng. When I come back home, the kids will all be using the TouchSmart instead of kicking Kris’ ka-cheng. At night before I sleep, there is nothing better to see than the beautiful TouchSmart instead of Kris’ ka-cheng.
Get the idea? Just try not to use ka-cheng so much…
The competition is going to be tough! Only ONE blogger who attended the event & his/her ONE reader will walk away with the TouchSmart PC! The prize is going to be awarded based on the BEST COMMENT! And if there are duplicate ideas, the comment that is made the earliest will be awarded the prize!
This is the press release for the HP TouchSmart IQ500 PC.
Look through it, have an idea and answer the question! Be fast! Contest closes on the 12th July!
12 comments | tags: blog, bloggers, contest, event, HP TouchSmart PC, hptouchsmartsg | posted in Announcements, Events
Jun 25 2008
I once said that carelessness is one of the biggest drawbacks of me as a person as I am one who can sometimes be so deep in thought that without realizing it, I have already crossed the road. Countless number of times when this happens and I will suddenly be aware of my body and go,
It’s sometimes pretty scary to think that I am on ‘auto-mode’ when doing things like crossing the road but it’s a good skill to have provided that it is fail safe. I don’t want to be roadkill.

One of the biggest problems I have as a blogger would be my memory. I have such bad memory. Some who know me personally might say otherwise but I think I have ‘selective memory’. My brain registers infomation ‘permanently’ on certain subjects and the rest goes into my ‘RAM’ which gets cleared every 3 seconds or so. For example, if it’s the first time I meet you and you tell me your name, I will forget almost instantanously. I will only remember the conversation and especially if you tell me interesting things like how you like to dig your nose… with your thumb.
I am not implying that anybody I’ve met at the HP TouchSmart PC Event that I went to yesterday likes to dig their nose with their thumb. But if it JUST SO HAPPENS that I met you yesterday and you REALLY like to use your thumb. Well… erm… do reconsider your other options.
While I am on that anyway, I will like to extend my gratitude to Waggener Edstrom for organizing and Daryl a.k.a UniqueFrequency for inviting me to the event.

[Screenshot from here]
The TouchSmart PC looks great and I shall have another entry of it when I find more time. It’s great to also meet up with more bloggers at the event like…
I do remember the conversations that I had with each of you guys though. I think I got to either improve my memory or make it a habit to jot down everything I want to remember. If I jotted down stuffs yesterday, some of the things I would have written down were…
- I took a picture with Jacelyn a.k.a daintyflair and apparently, I look humsup (lecherous). I never looked at the picture properly but maybe I was drooling or something.
- Claudia has a humsup for the HP TouchSmart PC.
Juzzywuzzy has his humsup goatee back.
Hillary couldn’t recognize who I was and probably thought I was a humsup trying to pick her up.
- I helped Daphne take a picture with two other ladies and the camera auto-focused on her left boob. The camera was humsup. If the picture turned out shaky, I am sorry. I was trying to contain my laughter.
15 comments | tags: blog, bloggers, claudia, daintyflair, daphne, event, forgetfulness, HP TouchSmart PC, hptouchsmartsg, juzzywuzzy, traits, uniquefrequency | posted in Events, My-Life