Jul 22 2008
After months of preparation and anticipation, Ping.sg finally had their 2nd Anniversary and Awards at Fig & Olive on Saturday!
Fig & Olive

18 Table Tennis Bats!!!
The committee were at the venue early but we were running around like headless chickens sometimes. Everyone helped one another and we managed to complete our tasks in time. My slaves, Hendri and Miccheng, helped me finish up on the table tennis bats which were given out as award trophies.
Happy 2nd Birthday Ping.sg!
Sylvia hooked the committee up with a lady named Caressa who made us such great looking and tasting cupcakes! If I wasn’t battling the fact that my love handles are starting to look like the edges of the cupcakes, I would have had seconds.
Limetouch at his first Ping Meetup
Molemole & Daughter
Hendri, Me, Kahwee, Darren and Lance
People started trickling in and everyone had their chances to meet up with the bloggers that they come across every now and then in the Ping community. Everyone had name tags that helped identify each one of us and due to the evil blogger by the name of Wendy, I had this tag.
Chao Ah Beng
Everyone loves to hate a Chao Ah Beng and hence I got quite a lot of poofs from the pingsters. But I wasn’t the most hated! The winner is actually…
Shervon & Sheylara
Diana’s lovely daughter, Shervon got the most POOFed award! WAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! Not that she is hated though. Everyone wanted the little girl to win something. =P
NTT & Mintea
The awards were hosted by the laugh inducing duo, NTT & Mintea. Despite a few cock-ups here and there, the awards were given out at a very nice pace. I was nominated for quite a few and I expected to return home empty handed after awhile as other bloggers walked away with their prizes. But I manage to win the “Most Entertaining Blog Award!”
Most Entertaining Blog
And with the votes of the great crowd there, I won the “HP Blog of the Year”!!!
Blog Of The Year
I TOTALLY DIDN’T EXPECT IT! I only remembered being in a daze as I walked up to receive my prizes which consists of….
Lovely Glasses by MarkChoon.com
…..and the biggest prize of the night….
Photo Robbed from DaintyFlair
HP Mini!
This has to be the most awesome thing I won so far in my life! And no better time than now when I am actually looking to get an UMPC to blog and surf on the go. Thank you to the great people at HP and Waggener Edstrom Worldwide for sponsoring such a prize!
Melvin! If you are reading this, get me a new set soon! I can’t wait to caress it!
Sorry if this post felt very truncated and bullet like. I am so bloody sleepy and I cannot write this post as well as I should. But before I end this post. I will like to thank the following people. Uzyn, Daphne & the committee for organizing such a memorable event. Claudia and Miccheng for preserving the memories in pictures and video.
But most of all,
I want to thank all the readers who nominated and voted for me. Without you guys and girls, I would be just a regular guy with a blog.
Now, I am a regular guy with a blog, armed with two ping pong bats, a glass and a HP MINI!

Oh! And please watch this great lipdub video created by Rinaz for the Anniversary!
Ping Lipdub Project from rinaz on Vimeo.
20 comments | tags: blog, bloggers, Caressa, chao ah beng, claudia, daintyflair, daphne, Fig & Olive, Hendri, HP, HP mini, Kahwee, Lance, limetouch, lipdub, Mark Choon, Melvin, Miccheng, Mintea, molemole, NTT, Ping.sg, Ping.sg Blog Awards, Rinaz, Shervon, Sheylara, Sylvia, Uzyn, Waggener Edstrom Worldwide, wendy | posted in Announcements, Events, My-Life
Jul 8 2008
I was very amused since Sunday after reading dk’s post here and here. Out of nowhere, two persons by the name of Cynthia and Carl commented in his separate posts and said the following,

So apparently I put on shows, I play humble, I play good man, I am a hypocrite, I am a nice guy wannabe, I hide my true character and most importantly…
I am a CHAO AH BENG!!!
I need to interrupt this post with this short message before I continue.
Okay, moving on…
I have to admit that ever since my grades slipped in Sec 3, I have been in classes with the most notorious chao ah bengs(C.A.B) in school. These C.A.Bs do all sorts of things from bringing pR0n to school, shouting their gang slogans (YO AH YO!) in school at the top of their lungs, fighting in and out of school, detained by police for various reasons and using drugs.
But me? I was just their classmate leh. I am the nerdy kid who was thrown into such classes and made good friends with them but stayed away from the vices. Maybe I should classify myself as a C.A.B wannabe. I did emulate their walk with arms swinging widely behind. I started to swear a lot. I took part in a gang standoff once. Basically it started with 2 gangs of kids on each side of the basketball court with the real C.A.Bs standing in the front. The kids at the back like me are those who dunno-wad-the-fug is happening kind. First, the one-to-one gang leader talk and then the shouting begins. I think the shouting and swearing takes really long because most of them are hoping the louder ones will scare the other group away. The police came really soon because of all the shouting *facepalm* and we ran away in all possible directions.
The only time I got into a fight is when I was in primary 5 when I pissed off some older kid at a playground. Wahahaha! He then got his secondary school C.A.B friends and surrounded me for a confrontation.
Kid Whom I Pissed: “HE! He is the one who bullied me!”
Me: “I never touch him lor.”
(He then walked really close to me and towered over me who was only 1.3m in height)
“We go there to settle.”
So I ended up at a lift lobby with 5-6 older kids surrounding me in a ring like fashion while the ‘kid-whom-i-pissed’ was in the makeshift ring with me. Kids our age don’t fight with proper styles if you know what I mean. There was more *piaks* than *bish*. After 10 mins of feminine punches and failed drop kicks, an adult came by and broke us up. I went home with a bruised forehead(because I headbutted him) and a sprained wrist. So much for fighting… HAAHAHA! But I was extremely pleased to find him at school a couple of days later with a cast on his arm.

I do sound gruff and fierce and if I don’t make an effort to smile like an idiot, some people do percieve me as unfriendly and fierce. It also doesn’t help that I have a C.A.B face and look like I smoke 3 packs a day.
Thank you Cynthia and Carl, I had nothing to blog about until you peeps came along~
*Flutters C.A.B eyelashes and shows dimples*
34 comments | tags: chao ah beng, delinquents, DK, yuhua secondary school | posted in My-Life