Lecherous Spectacles! Go Away!!!
This happened quite some time ago and I was reminded again of it when a group of friends were talking about the weird encounters with people.
A couple of months ago, Me and KKNN boarded the train at City Hall and stood pretty cramped near the train doors like any other day in the grossly overcrowded trains in Singapore during peak hours. We started to hear this guy speaking in mandarin about 2 – 3 feet away saying,
“Go away! Go away! All of you!” (in Mandarin)
He was pretty audible in the cabin and initial assessment was that he is speaking through a hands free set on the mobile but he was obviously a mentally unstable person as he repeated the line above a few times while swinging pretty roughly on the vertical pole in front of him.
“Go away! Go away! All of you!” (in Mandarin)
Odds are getting low that he is even talking to ghosts or the likes and I gently shuffled my feet and pushed KKNN to the side so that I get in between Mr. GoAway and KKNN. This position probably favoured KKNN in ways more than her safety as she can now unabashedly stare at Mr. GoAway just by looking straight over my shoulders.
There was this couple locked in tight embrace on the opposite door where we were at and Mr. GoAway started saying,
“Go back home lar! Go back home to fuck! Stand here and hug for what? Go home and insert it in!” (in Mandarin)
Despite all logical reasons to keep a straight face at this point in time, I couldn’t help but give a contorted face of controlled laughter like one would get if you stood in front of your CEO who had his zipper hang open.
After making loud comments about other passengers in the train including things like “Si Ang Mor!” (Stupid Caucasian), he turned to look at me and exclaimed loudly,
“Lecherous spectacles!” (in Mandarin)
I was wearing this pair of specs that day you see…

Triple X
Half expecting him to step over and saw my head off like the accident last year, Mr. GoAway decided to take another look at me and said,
“Go Bioskin lar! So many scars on your face.” (in Mandarin)
Note that at this point in time, the cabin’s ambient volume is quite low as most people were intently watching/listening Mr. GoAway’s every move. He then uttered the next line…
“But my skin is worse than yours.” (in Mandarin)
Despite Mr. Go Away’s criticism towards my imperfections, he seemed to be quite aware of his as well. Wahahahahahahaa!!!
He left a few stations before our stop and I couldn’t help but wonder at what goes through his mind as he was in that train. On further thought, I realized that it’s not about his difference in thinking from the normal person but it was more the fact that he lost his ability to filter his thoughts and whatever he thinks about; he just says it out without holding back.
If all my thoughts are not filtered, I would probably sound super crazy on the trains.
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April 17th, 2009 at 11:33 am
You so short meh? KKNN can “look over your shoulders”? :p
FoxTwos last blog post..Wa Si Teochew Nang!
April 17th, 2009 at 3:34 pm
@FoxTwo> Her eyes can look over my shoulders mah. I looked like a hobbit the last time you saw me meh?