Time to Set Up a Niche Blog or Two?
I am thinking very seriously about setting up a couple of niche blogs to isolate the persona that is of krisandro in this website. This website has always been the only outlet for me to express my thoughts and relate the lighter side of my life as I wanted readers to just come in and read rubbish that is easy on the brain and hopefully draw a giggle or a laugh from the likes of you.
The good thing about having just one personal blog like this, is that it makes it easier for me to keep my thoughts consolidated. The cons of the very same point is that the topics are so diverse that it is impossible for a casual reader or an advertiser to understand what the site is about.
Since I enjoy writing and creating content for people to read, why not set up a niche blog or two that is of my specific interests and have it grow and popularize and earn some money along the way?
I brought this idea up on a and it was interesting to see the thoughts of so many people. Some of my criteria for the future blogs so far are:
1. Something of my interest.
2. Able to capture Asian or Global Audience.
3. A funky/easy-to-remember URL!
Any suggestions, ideas or feedback anyone?
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September 4th, 2008 at 11:56 pm
you do photography right? get one new camera and start snapping away lo. photography is like very general oso, those who donnoe sheet can still see some photos as nice as long as your skillz is leet. as for URL, aiya just go for kriscanshoot.com lar. easy peasy
chaosdingos last blog post..SPORE IS OUT!
September 5th, 2008 at 1:45 am
Pornography is good too.
September 5th, 2008 at 1:37 pm
chaosdingo> No money buy new cam leh. kriscanshoot sounds porn-ish. WAHAHAHAA
Jawker> You and your great ideas
September 11th, 2008 at 11:02 am
Welcome to the world of niche blogging. I am with you (since I suxx in Meepok blogging)
blog something like personal finance or self improvement