7 Things That You Didn’t Know About Me

I like to share a little bit more about me. Why? Sick of it right? It’s my blog what. If I don’t talk about me, me and me, then I talk about who?



Okay okay! Kidding lar. Don’t click the red little cross on the top right hand corner of your window. I will talk about YOU soon.

By the way….

Who are YOU anyway?


Anyway, I shall really move on to the list before you people really close the window.

#1. I am not an Indonesian Chinese.

Quite a number of people have been thinking that I am not local. Krisandro McBecks is a nick that I plucked out of nowhere last time and it stuck with me. Sorry if it sounds un-Singaporean.


#2. I was a Rebel

During primary school, I skipped classes for 2 and a 1/2 months! Of course I got caught at the end of it and got public canning. I remembered that I got two strokes and I cried like a gu-niang (sissy).


#3. I am not Religious

When I was young, I went to church. I loved books very much then and I actually finished reading the Bible at some point in time. My mentality after that changed as I classified the Bible as fiction and stopped going to church and went to the library to borrow books that had dragons and elves. Please do not be offended for the religious that are reading this. It’s a choice everyone makes and I do like people who are religious as most of them encourage people to do good.


#4. I got 3 Testicles



#5. I Loved Origami

I know this sounds so gay but when I was in primary school, I started to love the art of origami and I used to go to the library to borrow books about it. I remember I had this wooden box that held lots of coloured paper of different sizes and I would bring it to school and fold it in between classes. Even during Sec One!


#6. I had a Humsup (Lecherous) Mole on my Chin

I have a lot of facial moles and some were more prominent than the rest and I had to remove one such mole. It was relatively big and it sat on the left of my lower chin. Just imagine it! Me, being such a nice, polite gentleman *cough cough* with such a misleading mole. Of course I had to cut it off!


#7. I got 2 Testicles.

I am telling you the truth lar.

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