Why Male Bloggers Have it Tough!
I don’t know if anyone shares the same views as me on this one, but I generally find that male bloggers have it tough compared to female bloggers. Since there is such a wide range of blogging styles, let me tie the success of a blogger by his/her traffic. Of course there are other factors that can determine the success of a particular blogger but let’s face it…
If someone on the street asks you, “Name me 3 top bloggers in Singapore.” How many of you people will actually name 3 guys or even 2? I think there will be some of you who won’t even name one.
[Image from here]
Why is it so? Are women better bloggers than men? What defines ‘better’?
What brings in the traffic? Someone who writes insightful posts in perfect English or a looker who post pictures and cannot write for nuts?
Go look at the blogs that you guys bookmarked or subscribed and tell me if it isn’t female dominated. If you have nuffnang polls, look at it and tell me if it isn’t female dominated readers.
First, let’s define success of a blog again. It’s largely based on popularity and popularity = traffic. And high traffic does NOT MEAN that a blogger writes well. In fact, I feel that there is a misconception in some people that blogging = writing. So to these people, they feel sick to their toes when they see female blogs full of camwhore-d pictures and little writing and these bloggers have enormous amounts of traffic. Many of these bloggers who enjoy relatively high traffic are often ridiculed by people but the amazing thing is…
Most people who dislike popular female blogs still visit them.
Do people who dislike popular male blogs still visit? Yes! But not as much as the former.
Let me just quote an example. I visit Dawn Yang’s blog often even though I think little of her writing. If you ask me to list a blog post that she wrote about, I really cannot remember anything she wrote. I only visit her blog to look at her pictures. My eyes automatically disregards all the text in her entries. I know many who dislikes her but still visits her.
Why oh why? It’s because the measure of a ‘popular’ blog is not by one’s writing.
It’s measured by how ‘interesting’ it is. And it doesn’t matter if you are an life, insightful, entertainment, food, pRon, LINKster(bloggers who scours the internet for links) or camwhore blogger. Whatever genre you are in, if you are interesting, traffic will come.
Now, let me paint you guys a situation. Let’s compare two imaginary bloggers.
- Blogger A – Male, plain looking, writes about his mundane life.
- Blogger B – Female, plain looking, writes about her mundane life.
If you had to choose between the two, who would you visit more often? I can name another 10 examples and most people will choose to read the female blog.
In reality, regardless of gender, people in general just like to visit female blogs more. It’s just the way it is. There are always exceptions but you simply can’t deny the fact that female bloggers tend to get a bigger chunk of the traffic.
Female bloggers are more interesting and hence more popular and there is nothing wrong with it!
And guys suck at camwhoring by the way.
…Like me…
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July 4th, 2008 at 11:26 am
the camhole looks gay
Bunys last blog post..Countdown Clock For Your Facebook
July 4th, 2008 at 11:49 am
I agree with Buny. I prefer your executive look. Please take more of such. KTHXBAI!
July 4th, 2008 at 12:35 pm
Fwah the pic. Classic.
July 4th, 2008 at 12:43 pm
Maybe i should try cross-dressing and write a bitchy post.
Bernards last blog post..How i get to be an angel today..
July 4th, 2008 at 1:18 pm
This post is sexist!
*prepares pitchfork and torch*
Chaosdingos last blog post..Blogs that I hate.
July 4th, 2008 at 2:29 pm
Sexy camwhore pic!
Post more camwhore pix k? Don’t bother about text. I don’t visit your blogs for text anyway.
uzyns last blog post..Twitter Killed My Blog
July 4th, 2008 at 3:54 pm
Lol if you camwhore more it’s ok. but if your words go lesser than you will go under Chaosdingo’s hated blog. hahahahah..
But I agree.. sometimes reading blog’s is not so much of content but entertainment. haha..
July 4th, 2008 at 6:09 pm
OH MY GAWD *Gasps*
That peekture is *eyes twitching* so StRAngE…..
molemoles last blog post..A Classic
July 4th, 2008 at 10:24 pm
omg not that picture AGAIN!!
Daryl Tays last blog post..Tongue-In-Cheek Entertainment At Work
July 4th, 2008 at 10:35 pm
good job done. who say girls and guys are equal? at least not in internet. we must have a man charter as well.
July 4th, 2008 at 11:00 pm
i agreed, totally!
July 5th, 2008 at 2:19 am
I’ve got a feeling that there are actually MORE female bloggers & MORE female readers out there than their male counterparts. But, bleah, no statistics, sorry.
a_xs last blog post..Jean.sg "Bandwidth Exceeded" is artificial?
July 6th, 2008 at 11:27 am
Buny> Yes it does!
Wishbone> TT one which u like needs EXTENSIVE photoshop work!
Jacelyn> Want one? I send to you lar. Mai shy!
Bernard> Try it! And then post the results!
Chaosdingo> I am siding the females and pitying the males. It’s NEUTRAL!
uzyn> I knew it! Already sent my pics to you already *wink*
ignorantsoup> Chao is my adviser.. he will tell me when my blog doesn’t meet his stringent requirements.
Tianhong> We are waiting for you to write one.
Daryl Tay> See… I had to draw you out to comment on my blog with that.
ladyironchef> ^5!!!
a_x> There could be, but if that is the case, then it’s even more true tt ppl still like to visit female blogs more.
July 21st, 2008 at 4:51 pm
Who says guys suck at camwhoring? HAHA!
July 22nd, 2008 at 10:39 am
Alton> Okay. I think you don’t suck. 16 yrs somemore. Gosh!