My 100th WordPress Post and I Owe it All to YOU!

The very first popular blog that I came across was Xiaxue‘s back in the days when she was funnier and less commercialized(IMHO). Blogs at that time were a form of entertainment and a way to keep myself updated on my friends lives. Having a steady income back in 2005, I got a webhost and the URL ‘’ without going through what most bloggers go through; Having a free blogging platform like blogspot/wordpress/xanga and then realizing later that they want a self hosted blog.

It wasn’t my intentions to use it as a blog in the 1st place but I eventually hopped onto the bandwagon and started to write. I used dreamweaver/frontpage to design and code my blog and it wasn’t powered by any blogging platform. I don’t have any friends who had a self hosted blog during those times, and without the knowledge of blogging platforms for self-hosted blogs, you can imagine how stupid it was for the period between March 2005 to Feb 2008. I was basically coding everything manually like my archives.


My traffic back then was mostly made up of my ‘offline’ friends and colleagues and then I start to hear good comments that I was ‘funny’. I then started to write a little more frequently and got ‘tomorrow-ed’ a couple of times. Unfortunately, after migrating to wordpress, you guys won’t be able to see the old entries that I had before Feb 2008.

I had a very long blogging hiatus for a period of almost 6 months because of personal reasons and there are 3 reasons that made me come back to blogging in February this year.

#1 – Friends

KuKuNehNeh knew me better through my old blog archives and after we got together, she kept badgering me to revive my blog. Friends like DX, Ade and my WLNY pals also popped by every once in a while through my shoutbox and say things like…


Okay, it’s obvious that I made the last one up but the point is, these people gave me the confidence that they would like me to write again.

#2 – WordPress


Seriously. Without wordpress, there is no reason for me to update my blog as often as I can now. Everything is great about the platform to the point that I only need to concentrate mostly on content, content and content. Well, in krisandro’s blog, it’s actually rubbish, rubbish and rubbish. But I know you guys like rubbish and rubbish is gonna stay!

#3 –

I don’t think the traffic for June can match the traffic of May though

Without, my blog’s growth would not have been what it is now. Nice folks do submit my works to every now and then but it is that gives me constant traffic. It’s also the folks at Ping who are very supportive of my blogging style and they make up a majority of the ones who leave comments whenever I post something up and it feels bloody nice to have people leave comments.

This is my 100th wordpress post, and I’ll dedicate this to the 3 reasons I mentioned and all my supporters, including those who are SILENT READERS. You know who you are.. (Cuz nobody else knows who you are…)

Related posts:

  1. Some Guy Blatantly Plagiarized One of My Blog Post
  2. Things That You Can Do to Support Bloggers That You Like
  3. What is WRONG with You Pingsters?
  4. You Pingsters Deserve an Explanation
  5. Terms & Conditions of a Blog

17 Responses to “My 100th WordPress Post and I Owe it All to YOU!”

  • Bernard Says:

    you deserve it lah.. you made me come back to your blog everyday and read..
    Shall we link up? lol

    Bernards last blog post..Girls and their sense of direction..

  • Jawker Says:

    Having a steady income back in 2005, I got a webhost and the URL ‘’ without going through what most bloggers go through; Having a free blogging platform like blogspot/wordpress/xanga and then realizing later that they want a self hosted blog.

    Okay, I dig that totally!

  • Bluemilk Says:

    Congratulations Tetrak.
    100th WordPress Post and more to come.
    Jia You. =)

  • THB Says:

    U’re welcome. hahah.

  • Jacelyn Says:

    Congrats! A significant event eh? :P

    Jacelyns last blog post..Strike Toto

  • Jiaxin Says:

    Yeah man.. from a dead blog till one which I will drop by and read it everyday.. and perhaps you didn’t know about tis.. your entries have become part of our supper topic cos it’s really very funny and entertaining… Haha! =D

  • uzyn Says:

    The janitor loves your blog!

    *sweep sweep*

    uzyns last blog post..Twitter Killed My Blog

  • DX Says:

    Oh my GAWD!!! My name! You see it?!! My name is being featured and mentioned by the man himself! The honour… it’s overwhelming! Ok, I’m gonna grade this post a 6 star.

  • Leonard Says:

    Congrats on your 100th wordpress post!!

    keep it up!

    Leonards last blog post..Get Smart …. be an entrepreneur!!

  • claudia Says:

    WoW!! Stunning stats! Lovely 100th posts! Hope there’ll be many many more to come!

    Claud’s a BIG FAN of KrIsAnDrO!!!

    !!kogibgibworgnacewosyenomeromnignirb <

  • Nikkiko Says:

    By the way, I think your tagline is GENIUS :P

    Nikkikos last blog post..Awesome Icebreaker

  • Buny Says:

    Hic* It calls 4 celebrorationation…Hic

  • Bobo Says:

    Wah Congrats la. :)

    Bobos last blog post..Cried on the Public Bus

  • krisandro Says:

    Bernard> Thank you for supporting! You are LINKED!

    Jawker> Heh. Save me the trouble that I witness in other bloggers

    Bluemilk> And I am still called Tetrak. LOL

    THB> It’s my pleasure! :D

    Jacelyn> Yes bazhang! It is!

    Jiaxin> No wonder I sneeze at night… its you guys lar…

    uzyn> Wah… Ping’s most important Janitor likes my blog. *honoured*

    DX> Sorry. max is 6 star… dun wanna rate say so lar… :P

    Leonard> Thanks dude!

    claudia> Hehehe. ANd I cannot decode what you said though.. :P

    Nikkiko> Haha.. you r too kind. But what if they come in and don’t find it funny. DIE!

    Buny> *hic* CHEERS! *hic*

    Bobo> Tank yew the velli muchie!

  • DeathstarX Says:

    =waves= hee. One silent reader here. haha. I usually just ping your entries. ^^ Congrats on 100 posts! And I totally agree about WP being awesome. haha. I love it! And I really enjoy reading your blog. haha. Good laughs. ^^ wo yong yuan zhi chi niiiiii!! XPXPXP

    DeathstarXs last blog post..Congratulations SMU Kendokas!

  • Jawker Says:

    Jawker> Heh. Save me the trouble that I witness in other bloggers

    I must say that’s a really bold step, wouldn’t do that if I were you. But life’s a joke right? Haha!

  • krisandro Says:

    DeathstarX> Hey! Thanks for the support. And thanks for revealing yourself. WAHAHAHAHAHHA!

    Jawker> It’s a bold one I agree… what if aft years of blogging and I still barely hit 10 uniques a day…. lol


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