This is Why You Can Never Find “The One”
[Image from flickr]
After attending a wedding on Saturday, discussing about love on a friend’s car and reading about Xinyun’s post here and Limetouch’s post here, I decided to bring up this theory of mine that I once blogged about in my old website.
First of all, I will to define the meaning of “The One”. It might be different from what you have in mind but here it is anyway.
“‘The One’ is the one person who is perfectly suited for you. Humans are imperfect, just like jigsaw puzzles, made of protruding and intruding edges. ‘The One’ doesn’t have to be the most good looking, the most intelligent, the richest nor the kindest, but the very one who will fit on you like a perfect jigsaw piece. “
- krisandro
[Image from flickr]
I am not saying that if you like to fart and ‘The One’ will like to smell lar, but you do get my definition don’t you?
Religious people, put aside your god for a few minutes as you read this post. You guys tend to believe that the dude “up there” has something in store for you and “The One” is destined to meet you in 7 months, 14 days, 33 mins and 20 secs later because it’s in god’s schedule. The both of you will then see each other and then god will like whisper in your head to tell you that he/she is the one. Of course might get popular up there by that time and god might use that to tell you.
To really get my theory across to you. Let’s just say that you are a 25 yr old straight male and assume the following which may very well be correct or close to the truth anyway.
Every person in the whole world is unique.
There is currently 6,602,224,175 people in the world right now.
The sexes are divided equally.
3,301,112,088 people are women.
15% of women are lesbians (I am being optimistic here).
2,805,945,275 women are straight.
Assuming everyone lives to a hundred and you only accept women who are your age or 3 years your senior or junior. 93% of the straight women are not within your age range.
196,416,170 straight women are within your accepted age range.
Lets just assume that for every 1000 straight and correctly aged women you meet, only ONE is suitable to date. Suitability in this sense means that she meets the MINIMUM standards in the usual factors like looks, intelligence, wealth, personality, etc…)
0.1% of 196,416,170 = 1,964,162 women.
That is ONE MILLION, NINE HUNDRED AND SIXTY FOUR THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY TWO women in the world who are straight, of your age range and meets your minimum requirements of what you look for in a woman.
And we all know that everyone needs to date a person for sometime before you can really tell if the both of you fit each other like gloves.
So, unless you have met and dated 1,964,162 women in your lifetime, you will NEVER find the one. Unless it’s by PURE LUCK.
So, what gives? I just feel that, at some point in time, you will have to see a person and say,
“Hey, she/he may not be the “The One”, but he/she is definitely good enough for me to love for the rest of my life and I am going to work at it to see that I increase the odds of it ever happening”
Related posts:
- Measuring The World in Dicks
- Why Male Bloggers Have it Tough!
- Be AWARE That Anti-Homosexuality is Taking Away a Woman’s Right
- Men! Get Your Women to Support the New AWARE EXCO!
- God, Christianity and I
May 12th, 2008 at 1:47 pm
i don’t believe in this whole “the one” crap. see. i’m not difficult to please. so how come i can’t find anyone? LOL.
Daphne Maias last blog post..Scarlet: Unveiled – The Launch at Singapore Flyer
May 12th, 2008 at 2:10 pm
Hey Kris, did you kapo this from somewhere…? ‘Cos it seems so…familiar to me. xD
May 12th, 2008 at 3:11 pm
Haha! You should really widen your age gap. 3 years above is acceptable, but it’s quite normal for the woman to be up to 10 years younger than the man.
May 12th, 2008 at 5:05 pm
3 years and above should be ok i supposed. Bur if older by 5 and above, the woman will look so much older when they turn into their 30s.
As for me, I wouldn’t choose a guy younger than me. I find that their mentality is still not mature enough ( not say i very mature lah) wahahaha…..
fangzs last blog post..
May 12th, 2008 at 5:13 pm
aw, well, i think that when you love a person, they don’t need to be “the one”.
niks last blog post..Happy Mother’s Day!
May 12th, 2008 at 6:45 pm
keep on loving, keep on trying. Will definately find the right fit..
The Horny Bitchs last blog post..Tears
May 12th, 2008 at 9:35 pm
Hmm.. htto:// :p
Will I get a twitter when I see “The One”. It would be really interesting to see if that happens.. Hahahhaha
Maybe we can setup a twitter account, which randomly “whispers” to people that the guy/girl they are with is “The One”.. It was be hilarious.. :p
NTTs last blog post..Audio geekout at Esplanade on May Day..
May 12th, 2008 at 11:10 pm
why the heck am i till single…
assuming i’m only 16years…each day see 10girls i like…365days…16years
that would be
33x16years,if only i could live that long to know each girl suitable for me….
ahweis last blog post..Dreams.
May 13th, 2008 at 1:14 am
Daphne> U are well on your way. Date more!
MLMaestro> Familiar? You must have stalked my blog last time. ADMIT IT!!!!
Mimi> I wanted to widen the gap… but the eventual number of ‘suitable women’ would have significantly increased, which in turn will cause world panic. LOL
fangz> 3 years older den you JUST NICE HOR?
nik> EXACTLY! You just summarized my whole post in one sentence.
THB> But what if after you keep loving and trying and you realized tt the ‘right fit’ you ever dated was 7 bfs back?
NTT> AH HAH! I see your evilness is very close to mine. QUICK! go register!
Ah-Wei> That is if you are looking for the one. And pls note, you need to meet 10 SUITABLE females each day.
May 13th, 2008 at 1:19 am
For my case, I just feel that I need him to be around with me. A man who I can’t live without and not just purely can live with… Cheers!
May 13th, 2008 at 8:42 am
We find love is every corner of the world, it’s just a matter of seeing the gem in the person and disregarding the rest of the flaws.
happy searching for those still looking! =D
foxs last blog post..It’s friday yet again..
May 13th, 2008 at 9:34 am
It’s all in the mind….. It’s all in the mind…
Chaosdingos last blog post..Experimental.
May 13th, 2008 at 11:59 am
Haha, well, i am at 846.733 and i keep on counting
AngryAngMos last blog post..The Woman Who Cant Forget ANYTHING
May 13th, 2008 at 12:32 pm
wah how come only 3 years apart?
you should extend the brackets… many couples I know are more than 3 years difference
May 13th, 2008 at 2:11 pm
Ting> Eh… good tt you know what you r looking for, but this post is more about discouraging ppl who think tt they can find ‘the one’.
fox> If only everyone think like that. But in reality, some flaws are too big to overlook.
Chaosdingo> Not all in the Neh Neh meh?
AngryAngMo> Another 1,117,429 to go dude! You are almost halfway there!
Priss> I was trying hard to lower the end figure that I got.. tts y i choose “3 years apart’
May 13th, 2008 at 10:36 pm
Wow. So we have that many people to date before we get ‘lucky’ and find ‘The one’?
My word! And most of us are focusing on our careers and stuff first before we start dating at the age of 40+50!
We will NEVER find the one at this rate!
May 14th, 2008 at 2:54 am
Aaron Peng> Actually you may be lucky enough to find “the one” on the 1st date. But theoretically, you won’t know till you date the rest of the 1,964,161 women.
And dude…. pls don’t wait till 40+50 to start dating…
May 14th, 2008 at 1:54 pm
Hey you should only include singapore or maybe some neighbouring countries and not the whole world in your calculation.
May 15th, 2008 at 2:21 am
Huh> I included the world because love transcends all borders, race and religion~
*cues romantic music*
May 16th, 2008 at 8:27 pm
Uh, this sounds creepy, but I was thinking about the exact same thing last week. My friends were talking about finding their “true love”, and this is more or less the theory I came up with, lol. I guess in the future, I’ll just redirect people here to disprove the existence of “the one” :]
May 17th, 2008 at 12:21 am
Janet> this is when we say… Great minds think alike!
May 17th, 2008 at 11:21 pm
please take down my “love” image from your page. You do not have permission to use it. It is copywrited and If you continue using it I will be forced to take legal action. Thank you
andies last blog post..Rock On!!
May 18th, 2008 at 12:31 am
andie> my apologies for using the picture without your permission andie. The photo has been removed from the server. Once again I apologize for causing any harm done.
May 18th, 2008 at 4:58 pm
[...] I was told to take down an image from this post or risk legal actions being taken against me. Without a 2nd thought, I immediately went to my [...]
May 21st, 2008 at 2:34 pm
Did you get rejected recently?
May 21st, 2008 at 4:39 pm
Sure, the blog owner might have unwittingly violated copyright law but your attitude pisses me off. By the way, it is COPYRIGHT, not COPYWRITE. It makes you look like a laughing stock to make legal demands regarding copyright when you can’t even spell it properly.
May 22nd, 2008 at 12:02 am
Kevin> er…No? LOL
Aaron Ng> Hey, I appreciate you standing up to Andie for his ‘rudeness’, but I guess I was also rude in not asking him for permission in the 1st place. With all credit to Andie, his pic is really quite nice and he probably has many cases of people using his pic without permission or worse, without crediting.
Once again, thanks Aaron.
May 22nd, 2008 at 3:46 am
I don’t know why, but andie’s comments are not appearing and not even in my spam inbox. So I am pasting it here.
My reply to him over email was.