It’s Just So Bloody Hard to Wake Up in The Mornings!

I wonder if any of you have this problem that I face almost every morning. I struggle to wake up every morning! I lost count on the number of times in my working life when I eventually wake up and look at the time or the sunlight beaming down on my ass go,


And amongst all the vulgarities thrown at myself, I will running around the room like a headless chicken with a stick up its ass. Scrambling for the bathroom for a quick shower. Almost squeezing my facial wash on my toothbrush instead of the toothpaste. Flying out of the bathroom with my delicate bits hanging and realizing that my room window is still open. Leaping into my pants. Making a break for the kitchen to tone, moisturize, style hair (I am a vain pot). Zipping to my wardrobe to find that the shirt I want to wear has 12 buttons too many. Rushing to the living room, dialing Comfort cabs hotline while putting on the socks and shoes and half wishing that I have only one leg that morning so that I can save half the time.

3 buttoned sleeves
3 bloody buttons on EACH sleeve?


All is good if taxi fares are cheap but it costs me $25 to travel from Jurong West to Aljunied.


I think if Comfort has a membership program, I should be a platinum member by now. I should have a GPS equipped to my hand and every time I raise my hand, every available cab should have my position locked onto their maps.

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Some might suggest that I sleep earlier.

I try but I can’t! 24 hrs a day isn’t enough. If I sleep the recommended 8 hrs a day, I would be theoratically sleeping 1/3 of my life away! And besides, I am at my creative best around midnight.

Some might suggest that I have more alarm clocks.

My phone has 3 alarms set each day at 10 min intervals and a separate alarm clock that has an irritating rooster sound that makes people want to visit KFC more to annihilate the species forever. I even purposely put my phone and the clock out of reach so that I have to actually get up to switch my alarms off.

What happens? I would actually switch off all the alarms and go back to sleep each and every time. In many instances, I cannot even remember DOING THAT!

How ah? HOW AH?

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16 Responses to “It’s Just So Bloody Hard to Wake Up in The Mornings!”

  • Darran Says:

    I have no choice but to sleep at 1130 every night. If I am too tired, sleeping during lunch time is the next best thing.

    Krisandro is born on Christmas in the year 1981 and the only resemblance to a rooster is when he wakes up in the morning having spent all night sleeping on one side.

    Talk about having a rooster alarm :0

    Darrans last blog post..When will this tooth suffering end?

  • fangz Says:

    WAH!!! You nv tell me you always late!!!!

    I can always give you amany many morning calls!!!

    I wake up at blardy 5.30am automatically can? Gotto force myself back to slp till 6.15 -_-

    my body is too used to the hei mee soh life….

    fangzs last blog post..

  • Waffle Says:

    Wah. I’ve been rather late for work lately… =(
    It’s like, I wake and snooze the alarm…
    Then the next time I wake, it’s 9.46am.
    That was my worst time…

    Waffles last blog post..Graduated!

  • WishBoNe Says:

    I am a very good alarm clock. I can call you from 5.30am to 7am. Want? Pay me $10 for each call made to your mobile or home. You sure will wake up so that you don’t spend $25 for each trip to the office.


  • paced Says:

    Welcome to the snoozing club…
    I have an alarm clock on my laptop which has 5 timings, a clock radio that has an absolute irritating “beh beh beh” sound (when I’m awake) which sounds every 9 minutes (and I put it to snooze yet again and again) and 2 handphone alarms which sounds every 5 minutes…
    On average, I take about half an hour to an hour to “fully” wake up and drag myself out of bed, even though I had 10 hours of sleep and it is already 12 noon…

    paceds last blog post..Moving On To Los Angeles…

  • Says:

    i have the exact same problem too!

    but i practise “waking up” just before i sleep. and it helps!

    i pretend to do the alarm sound with my mouth “Rinnnngggggggggggggggg” then open my eyes and sit up. I do tat for about 5-6 times before i really go to bed.

    my rationale? abit sublimal conditioning i suppose keke

  • chaosdingo Says:

    I R very very amused at’s comment! I shall go try it when I’m ready for bed, which would be 5mins from now.


  • Wendy Says:

    Eh, I’m a reformed late wake up-er! Nowadays I open my eyes at 7, and get out of bed at 730!

    Impressive or what?

    The trick is to buy a damn noisy dog who barks incessantly until you go ask him to shuddup. Erm, cough.

  • Jacelyn Says:

    Thank God I don’t have that problem. Sometimes, I automatically wake up at the desired timing without the alarm ringing :P

  • fangz Says:

    LOL at

  • |c3^sNoW Says:

    wake up calls r best wor. every 5 min. sure wake up one.

    i is wan to slp late oso cannt. auto wake up @ 7, sometimes 6.30. grr.

  • geek Says:

    Get a partner!:) Tat way you have someone to wake u up!:)

  • tanyeo Says:

    y dun u take mrt???? cheap rite???

  • Brennan Says:

    It’s not how many alarm clocks you have, but the ringtone of the alarm clock. Get one that gets on your nerves – tunes that are really irritating.

    Maybe beng-ish tunes from Euro, Techno, Go!?

  • krisandro Says:

    Darran> Your lunchtime seems to be used for anything except…LUNCH! You goto the gym or sleep!

    fangz> I don’t wanna disturb your sleep wad…

    Waffle> We face the same problems dude. But I have never woke up as late as THAT! LOL




    paced> I think you win me. You are a serial snoozer. *bows in respect*> Something is telling me that this conditioning method of yours will have me look rather silly. OH HELL! I’ll I just try it….. sometime

    chaosdingo> BLOG ABOUT IT!

    Wendy> You lend me your little black dog lor. I lend you my white one.

    Jacelyn> You are a rare species!

    |c3^sNoW> It’s hard to find people who are close enough and who wake up about the same time.

    geek> I have one! She lives at ang mo kio while I live at Jurong. :P

    tanyeo> If I take the MRT after waking up late. I’ll be out of a job by now. WAHAHHAHAH!

    Brennan> My rooster alarm is bloody irritating. It wakes me up but I will switch it off and go back to sleep without realizing it.

  • Regina Says:

    Gimme your fone.
    I shall record my singing…
    I bet my irritating voice will make you wake up n throw ur fone.

    Reginas last blog post..The “THING” that you will not learn in school


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