Apr 30 2009

Men! Get Your Women to Support the New AWARE EXCO!

The organization for Women’s Rights, AWARE, is holding their EGM Suntec City’s Convention Center, Hall 402 this Saturday (2nd May) at 2pm. This gives women a chance to cast a vote of no confidence to the new EXCO whom are mostly made up of Christians whose reasons of taking over the old EXCO were to act in God’s name as they feel that the old EXCO were pro-gay.

Men rejoice! Now is the best time to advise your female friends and relatives to NOT go down to the EGM, and this is why…

Female Christians should run AWARE
6 out of the 12 committee positions are held by Christian women from Church of Our Saviour. Why is this awesome? Just look at their notes on ‘God’s Order For The Family’. Here are some of the highlights!

  • The wife is in subjection to her husband
  • Head of every woman is the man
  • (God’s) will for a young woman is to do 4 things: marry, bear children, guide the house, not be a reproach to her husband
  • Wives are to choose the submissive role freely
  • Submission means to continually deny themselves and yield the rule to men


Men! Good news ain’t it? Since most of the committee is made up of women from a church with such teachings and since they are on a mission for God, it’s going to be great! We don’t need women to have rights. All we want is a woman marry, near us children and not be a reproach to us. All women should also deny themselves and yield the rule to us. Way to go!

So take this chance to stop women from denying the actions of the new EXCO. Better yet, ask women to support the new EXCO. It’s about time the real women take over a Women’s Rights group.

Spread His word! *Guffaws*

Apr 27 2009

Be AWARE That Anti-Homosexuality is Taking Away a Woman’s Right

Unless you’ve been living under the ground, digging for dragon eggs in Singapore, I’m sure you have heard of the situation about AWARE Singapore. If you have not, let me help by explaining what is AWARE and what has been going on.

AWARE is a not-for-profit, non-government 25-year-old organization in Singapore by women, for women which has a vision of improving the quality of life of women in Singapore by promoting equality. A couple of months before AWARE’s AGM held in March, there was a suddenly rise in membership and out of the 100 odd members that attended the AGM, about 80 were actually new members. No surprise at what came next. 9 out of 12 of the executive committee (EXCO) places went to the new members, including the position of the president of AWARE.

True enough to speculation, the new president, Josie Lau and the new EXCO came out in the open and admitted that it was an orchestrated move to takeover the old EXCO of AWARE and the reasoning given is that the old EXCO has turned AWARE into a pro-homosexual organization and the new EXCO wants to correct that in god’s name and bring AWARE back to it’s roots. (Correct me if I am wrong about this.)

I can be sure enough to say that many people, including Christians, disagree with what the new EXCO is doing. Bringing religion into a secular organization like AWARE and telling everyone that the takeover was because the old EXCO did pro-homosexuality things like bringing it up during sexual education in schools, screened a ‘lesbian film’ and invited homosexual people to share during speeches. Being homosexual is just the way it is. The gay kids won’t turn any less gay if he/she doesn’t take part in the sexual educations, watched the film or listen to the homosexual people speak. In fact, learning to embrace homosexuality at a younger age will lower sexual discrimination and reduce confusion.

AWARE is an organization by WOMEN, for WOMEN which has a vision of improving the quality of life of WOMEN in Singapore by promoting EQUALITY. Now which part of part of the vision resonates with its new members bringing religion into play and claiming that homosexuality is wrong. Are homosexual women not women? Are homosexual women not deserving of equality? The agenda of anti-homosexuality can very well be carried out if these Christians set up an organization of their own. But no, they had to take over a secular 25-year-old women’s rights organization and claim their actions to be in god’s name.

These women bring Christians a bad name in my humble opinion.

Saying all that, I am just a straight man living in this world and if you are a Singaporean woman and you value WOMEN’S rights which is what the real AWARE should be all about, go involve yourself in their Extraordinary General Meeting (EOGM) on 2 May, Saturday where you can have a chance to make your voice count. Details can be found here.

equality homosexual women 200x300

[Image by ehoyer]

Nov 17 2008

Women and Their Shorts

Imagine a wonderful, sunny weekend with a cool breeze that promises a walk out of the house without having to sweat like a runner in a marathon. You and the love of your life decide to get out of the house to take a stroll down to the bus stop to take a short bus trip to a shopping mall nearby for a nice breakfast.

It’s only a short trip down to the mall and what else would one need to carry and so the both of you decided to just carry along your wallets, handphones and keys.

“Such a lovely day my Love…” You whispered, almost fearing that the weather will turn bad just by saying it out loud. You tuck your wallet into your back pocket and slip your handphone into the right pocket. Not wanting to scratch the phone, you naturally opted to keep the keys in your left pocket. Feeling good about the day already, you walked away from the gate with a trailing hand, expecting the soft hands of your girl to grasp it like she always does.

“Wait Dear!” She called as you turned around to face her. “Hold on to my wallet will you?”

“Sure!” You answered as you tucked her wallet into your other back pocket. Looking at her shorts, you understand that the wallet would probably make an unsightly bulge in her shorts.

“…. and keep my keys… and my handphone… oh! And also my bill. I want to pay for it at the mall!”

You look at her in bewilderment and pointed towards her shorts. “I think I can stuff all these into my pockets but why don’t you put some of your stuffs into your pockets?”

front pocket

back pockets

Counting the 2 pocket sleeves on her sides and 2 pocket flaps on her back, you said, “And besides, you got 4 empty pockets there.”

“But I got no pockets.” She answers with the tone of a person saying that the sky is blue.

“What are you talking about? You got 4 of them!”

“These are not pockets! See!” She exclaims while twirling around to show you.

front pocket2

back pocket2




According to some of the replies I got in my . These are some of the reasons why there are shorts with pocket sleeves and pocket flaps BUT are pocket-less.

  1. Sleeves and flaps are for decoration
  2. Flaps on the back makes the butt look more perky
  3. Women don’t use pockets and don’t mind carrying things on hand
  4. Bags are created for a reason
  5. Guys pockets are created for a reason

For points 1, 2, 3 & 4, I think there is space for a small pockets even when the shorts are…. short. So why not just sew in the pocket and let each girl choose if she wants to use it or not? Isn’t it great to walk out hands-free?

As for point 5. Er…. err….. errrrrr…..


“Yes Dear! I’ll take everything Dear. Anything for you my Dear!”

Sep 10 2008

He Gets Intimate With 30 Women in Two Months

A headline on Monday’s edition of The New Paper grabbed my attention and it read,

doc date 470x363


Yep. This man named David Tian, claims that he has “been intimate with 30 women in two months”. He also claims to be able to “make Singapore men more suitable suitors and, thus, ease Singapore’s procreation woes.”

Telling it to the papers with your face printed all over? That’s like walking into club and telling everyone through a mic that you are a player. It may be true and the men will applaud but it seriously dampens your chances with the chicks dude.

I am not a woman, but if I were one, I don’t want to procreate with a man taught by someone who gets intimate with 30 women in just the space of two months.

*hears the distant cry of a man who shot his own foot*