Meeting Friends Out of Facebook
I realize that I have huge problems in maintaining friendships.
Part of the problem is the lack of contact if they don’t share the same social media space as me and another bigger part has to be my stinginess in sharing my time. Apart from work, I have the tendency to divide a huge chunk of my time to the girlfriend, most of the rest to social media and close to none to family and friends. It does look very unbalanced but I can hardly imagine spending any lesser time with the gf. Not that she would castrate me if I see her less. And my mind seems to find peace in thinking that the amount of time spent on social media is the substitute for socializing and probably beats meeting friends up in real life as I can probably communicate with much more people with the same allocated time.
Of course the argument is fatally flawed judging from the fact that I have lost touch with friends that I considered myself close with like my primary/secondary school pals, my BMT platoon mates, my RSAF course-mates/colleagues and my WLNY buddies. There are probably more groups that I may have left out but the same outcome applies to all. The bonds all whittled away as I stopped seeing them in the flesh; with clothes of course.
I really should rethink on my time distribution and make more effort to meet these important friends in my life up or else they will all just be a statistical number in my Facebook account.