Dec 14 2009
I am alive!
And I’ve been a bad, bad blogger. So bad that you ought to have me on your lap so that you can give me some good spanking. But we both know that you don’t want that to happen so let’s just pass.
Work and life has been keeping me really busy and I really find it hard to update this space of mine. I won’t say ‘sorry’ because I don’t owe you guys any updates and I won’t promise anything because I probably won’t fulfil any as well.
Some PR agencies have probably given up on me as well because I’ve been attending events and have not been sharing my experiences even though I enjoyed most of it. So much for being in the social media scene and not practising what I preach. Even KuKuNehNeh nags at me about those posts.
My health has been really bad for the last 2-3 months and it pretty much killed the biggest event that I was looking forward to for the year. I had to give the Standard Chartered marathon a miss as my fitness level was not up to mark with all the flu and cough that plagued me like no tomorrow. I have however not given up at running my first marathon and I have signed up for next year’s Adidas Sundown marathon for the 21km event to prepare me for the Standard Chartered marathon at the end of 2010.
I am in the midst of stabilizing the priorities in life and deciding on the next big thing. There is something quite unsettling about turning 28 this Christmas and wondering why I haven’t been able to say, “This is what I want to do for the next 30 years.” My laid back personality is probably the cause of this uncertainty and I’d like to think that it’s high time I find what I want to do for the next chapter in my life before I can confidently ask someone to spend the rest of her life with me.

“Good things come to those who wait…”
So… happy waiting for my next blog post!
Meanwhile, catch me on and where I update much more frequently!
2 comments | tags: Adidas Sundown Marathon, career, health, KuKuNehNeh, life, marriage, plurk, standard chartered singapore marathon, twitter, updates | posted in My-Life
Jul 21 2009
I finally recovered fully from the flu that plagued me like a sticky booger that wouldn’t leave me for 3 weeks. However good that might sound, it was overshadowed by the fact that I have not been jogging since the onset of the flu and I am (almost) back to square one for my fitness. And guess what? My army half marathon is only 4 weeks away.
I am so dead.
On top of that, I haven’t been feeling up to my usual self lately and feeling quite anti-social. I haven’t been up to my jovial self on nor and definitely not updating my blog as often as I should considering that I should be on a campaign for the SG Blog Awards.
Hopefully, by the end of this post, I can finally get out of my shell…. or closet if you like, and get back into my old groove and continue to terrorize the social media world.
Be afraid. Be very… afraid.
5 comments | tags: flu,, plurk, Singapore blog awards 2009, social life, social media, twitter | posted in My-Life
Apr 22 2009
Enjoying the Run Again…
It’s my 5th week into RT and I am starting to enjoy sweating it out, especially during the 3km runs and interval trainings.
Even though jogging is one of the best forms of cardiovascular exercise known to mankind, I do realize like most people that it is also one of the most boring exercise ever. Depending on how hard you push yourself, one can probably jog for hours before fatigue sets in. Unlucky people like me who wants to avoid breathing in exhaust from automobiles and live far from stadiums and huge parks, have to resort to jogging in tiny ‘gardens’ that the NEA disguises as parks. Jogging 6km for a session in my nearby public ‘garden’ means seeing the same tree, bench, sleeping ah pek on bench for 19 times. I am not quite looking forward to the day when I run a full marathon around that ‘garden’.
132 rounds! *wails*
But I do discover that once I get past the reluctance of jogging and do it regularly for at least twice a week for a month, I get pretty much in the groove and I look forward to running faster or covering longer distances each time I take the road. And this new love for pushing my body to new distances came at such a good time. It’s about 7 months to the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2009 and it’s about time that me and my team train hard to be able to complete the grueling 42.195km.
Just let me get past the IPPT test next week so that I can rally my hibernating teammates and get them into a running mood as well.
Okay.. that's a lot to un-hibernate....
1 comment | tags: fortytwopointoneninefive, ippt, jogging, mapmyrun, marathon, plurk, RT, Running, Singapore, standard chartered singapore marathon | posted in My-Life, My-Views, Running
Apr 15 2009
Generation Y: Am I a Front Runner?
Before the recording of the GennY podcast last night, I had short discussions with Brian Koh and Daryl Tay on social media amongst other things like wondering why am I part of Generation Y when I am born in 1981. Wikipedia says so okay!
My question to them was, “Are we representative of the Generation Ys in the world or even Singapore?”
I realize that I am quite the odd one out amongst my peers in the way I engage in social media for example. My peers are now discovering micro blogging/status updates through Facebook while I am already using Plurk and Twitter for almost a year. Friends are turning to blogs for reading while I am already juggling hundreds of RSS feeds in my Google Reader. The examples are endless but my point is that people like Brian, Daryl and myself are actually a minority amongst the Gen Ys even when comparing the younger end of the Gen Y spectrum.
Brian pointed out that we are probably the front runners in this aspect but I am still not seeing the curve in the graph where I should find most of my peers start joining me in my exhibitionist ways in social media.
So am I a front runner or am I running in the wrong direction?
no comments | tags: brian koh, Daryl Tay, gen y, generation y, google reader, plurk, social media, The GennY Podcast, twitter, uniquefrequency | posted in My-Life, My-Views