Our 50% Discounted Stay At Rasa Sentosa Resort
A colleague of KuKuNehNeh (KKNN) forwarded her an email with the image above informing her of Rasa Sentosa Resort’s half price promotion and she immediately pounced on the offer and asked me to do the necessary bookings. Few women can resist things sold at half price. Not that I am complaining as she offered to pay for the stay.
It’s my 1st time staying at Rasa Sentosa Resort and KKNN’s 2nd and we chose the Panoramic Room which was priced at $227.50 after 50% discount.
- View outside of the balcony during the day
- View during dawn
- A potential storm threathens the peace of the dawn
- View inside of room
The view is quite lovely from the balcony I must say and the window that opens to the tub is quite cool but that is probably just a couple of the good things I have to say about Rasa Sentosa Resort.
I entered the room and just did a rough inspection just to make sure that everything is in order and part of that routine is to check under the bed for dead bodies. And though I didn’t find any, there was an empty bottle of the hotel’s complimentary water bottle left under the bed.
Not like the water bottle is chucked deep under the bed but it was near the edge and the attendant who cleaned the room prior to our check-in completely missed it.
And then a question comes up. Which 4-5 star hotel doesn’t have LCD TVs these days? I brought my HP Mini laptop along hoping to plug it in to an LCD TV to spend some of our time watching movies but I end up facing a stone age CRT TV with the wrong connectivity cables.
Hoping to better our stay at Rasa Sentosa Resort, we checked out the highest rated restaurant amongst the 2 that were listed down for the 50% promotion which was Barnacles Restaurant for dinner. We ended up heading for the other restaurant (which was almost fully booked by the way) because it was fully booked till 9.30pm. Rasa Sentosa Resort should have informed us of the popularity of the restaurants so that we could have made plans. It wouldn’t hurt to tell me during my telephone booking or included as a few lines of text in the email confirmation.
Dinner was settled at Silver Shell Cafe with a seafood buffet.
Nothing tasted awful but in fact, nothing tasted good as well. It’s one of those meals that you won’t remember eating after a few days.
And the worse thing about the whole stay? I was almost overcharged by at least $70 by Rasa Sentosa Resort. The bill looked suspiciously high even after a 50% discount for both the room and the buffet dinner and after checking it further, I realized that Silver Shell Cafe overcharged me by twice the amount I was supposed to pay. It was lucky that I kept the receipt from Silver Shell and checked the final bill before I left the resort.
The stay at Sentosa Resort and Spa was SO MUCH better. Weird thing is that KKNN and I still enjoyed our stay very much despite all the screw ups. Having each other is all that matters.
On that note, I’ll convince her that I’ll pay for the next weekend escapade at a cheap hotel. WAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!

The face we are gonna make after she hears about the next escapade