Oct 21 2008

The Complaints of an NSman

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I am serving my first In-Camp Training (ICT) this week as an National Serviceman (NSman) and it’s been a wealth of emotions and feelings leading up to Monday and the completion of the first day in the camp.

1 year and 3 months have passed since I left the Air Force as a regular and the stressed job of being an Air Traffic Controller. The memories of the 4 and a half years spent in the service still lingers in the recesses of my brain (whatever is left of it).

I need approximately 2 hours to travel via public transport from my home to my squadron in the east and I wanted to rest early. I tried to sleep from 12 midnight and could only doze off into a semi-conscious state at around 3am because I stressed myself out from thinking of all the situations in difficult controlling situations.

Besides the insane amount of travelling time, another big complaint I have is that I cannot bring any gadgets like my laptop, psp or my Nokia N95 into camp and that means ZERO entertainment for 4 hrs of travelling everyday and not being able to take any nap in the train ride as well. Wearing the Air Force uniform with officer epulettes and sleeping on the train is akin to shouting out loud,



So, for the 1st time in a decade or more, I went to the library to borrow books to help me pass time in the train. BOOKS! I know people STILL read books but to me, that’s such a retro form of entertainment.

BOOKS! *rolls eyes*

Jun 15 2008

Happy Father’s Day to…… My Mother!

Most people who got to know me after my poly days do not know that my parents are actually divorced. It’s not something that I hide but I think people don’t really ask about parents at my age. I am guessing that one possible reason is that at my age, there is a high possibility that one’s parents are old and therefore, could have passed on. And asking about it might lead to awkwardness if the subject’s parents aren’t around any longer.

My father, or I would prefer to call, my ex-father, came from a relatively wealthy family who as a family business. He was sporty and enjoyed bowling and photography. I remember looking at his pictures in his younger years and he was… like me I guess. Tall and lanky. He managed to win my mothers heart over and his food addiction eventually took over through the years and he turned into a fat slob. I always had this joke for my close friends where I will depict this scene of my mum marrying this tall, slim and handsome man and to only turn over on the bed in the morning to find a human lard on her bed.


After I was born into the world, I had the habit of sleeping during the day and only waking up in the wee hours in the morning to wail. My poor mother was so stressed and depressed and did contemplate to throw me down the HDB and commit suicide. You know what the human lard did? Wear ear plugs and continue sleeping.

In my baby years, he did contribute to my pampers and milk fund. A grand total of ONE can of milk and TWO packs of pampers. *clap clap*

I remember he once approached me during primary school years saying,

“Kris! I struck 4D! I give your some extra pocket money okay?”

“Oh really!”


You know how much he gave me? $1+. ONE DOLLAR PLUS! At that age, I was already getting $8 per day for my pocket money.

As I grew older, he realized that I am quite the rebel and not the nicer son that he sees in my brother. So he hated my guts. When my friends call up my house and goes,

Friend: “Hello! Is Kris around?”

Human Lard: “HE DIE ALREADY!”



He does it so often that my friends and I laugh about it so much (after the initial shock).


I remember another incident that just shows his laziness. Back then, our remote control for the TV in our living room is spoiled and one has to use the controls on the TV to switch channels. So the Human Lard usually sits on his couch in the living room with his legs propped up on the stool and has some food resting on his belly that doubles perfectly as a table. He only needs to get up and take ONE step to turn on the TV, but no he doesn’t. Instead he…

Human Lard: “BENNE! (My brother’s name) Turn on the TV!”

And where would my brother be? He is in the room. He has to walk out his room to the living room to turn the TV on for that lousy excuse of a human. Whats worse?

(10 minutes later)

“BENNE! Change to channel 5!”


The Human Lard has affairs, smokes, gambles, is lazy, is a slob, is irresponsible, is not caring, is a miser. He even once quit his job so that he can watch the world cup. In some ways, I think his existence is worthy because, I want to NOT BE LIKE HIM.

Some people at this point may be feeling very uncomfortable and thinking of the favorite line that I hear so many times in my life.

“But Kris, after all, He IS your father.”


“Father my perky ass!”


To me, a man doesn’t become a father just by having a child. He must perform his duties as a father and as a husband. A father like mine was just somebody who contributed that ONE SPERM that brought me into existence. That is all really, not even love. I don’t hate him after so many years but I am very sure that I will not feel sad if I hear of his death.


My Mother on the other hand has been the one who has been playing both roles in mine and my brother’s lives. She is the caring mother who will tend to her children’s whims and emotional needs. She is the strong ‘father’ who works so hard to bring the bread home and fixes everything in the house.

So, on this father’s day, I will like to wish my Mum,


Apr 24 2008

Remember Dragonball and Bulma’s Softcore Antics?

dragonballThe very first manga I read was in primary school in the early 1990s and it was Dragon Ball Volume 4. The Japanese written manga is actually influenced by Chinese literature and was translated to Chinese for countries like China and Singapore and eventually in English after America picked up on the popularity.

That is like a Japanese and a Chinese frenching and exchanging bodily fluids and an American decided to walk by and join the spit exchange.

During those days, Singapore had the Chinese translated manga and although my Chinese was of Primary One standard, it didn’t stop me from enjoying the manga. By the way, I improved. I am now Primary Two standard.

Thinking about it now, there were various factors that made Dragon Ball appeal to kids like me so much.

1. The main characters of the manga were Asian

Before I knew of Dragon Ball, all my known heroes are Ang Mors. There was Superman, the flying Ang Mor whom nobody realize is Clark Kent because he took down his specs. There was Spiderman, the wall crawling Ang Mor who can shoot sticky stuffs from the thing in his pants and also his hands. There was also Batman, the Ang Mor with cool gadgets who has two birds. One in his pants and the other as a sidekick.

batman and his bird


2. They had a funny way of drawing Ding Dongs

gokus ding dongs


3. Bulma and her softcore antics

bulma flashes her pom pom2

bulma flashes her pom pom
Yes, yes. I was very young back then. Kids are curious.


Before my Mum could find out about my obsession, I was already an addict. I would go to the bookstore almost everyday to see if a new volume is released and spent a lot of my moolah on Dragon Ball and other mangas i got to know like Captain Tsubasa and SlamDunk.

I really had a lot of moolah at that age. When I was in primary school, my pocket money was $10 to $12 daily. DAILY! I remember I got so crazy about the manga that I would go down to a nearby shop and break a $10 note into 20 cent coins. With a bag of coins and a gleefully smiling shopkeeper in my aftermath, I would walk out of the shop and sit down beside one of those tikam machines and let those machines eat my money for these…

dragonball cards




Those were the days…


Apr 14 2008

Are You a Night Owl?


3 hours past Christmas midnight, I was delivered into the world at Alexandra Hospital. Yeah, even at birth, I was different than all of you boring KK hospital babies.


I guess my Mother was pretty irritated at me. Of all times to give birth, I had to choose 3am. During my baby years, I was an angel in the mornings. But when night came, I stayed awake and wailed, refusing to go to sleep even with coaxing.

My father chose to put on ear plugs to filter out my wailing and my poor Mother had to stay awake for a good part of the early mornings just to coax me back to sleep. She claimed that she sometimes thought of just throwing me down the HDB building as she was pretty stressed.

Of course she didn’t do it but I wouldn’t be surprised if she got frustrated and choke-slammed me a few times.

baby krisandro
Will you throw such a cute baby down a HDB? (I hear YESSSS!!!)


Growing up through my teenage years, I also loved to stay awake at the wee hours of the morning. Playing games, chatting on the mIRC kept me awake through the night.

As I grew up into a working adult, I had to conform to the ‘regular human sleeping patterns’ and I always never felt quite right.

Now that I am a freelancer, I am starting to fall back into the vampire mode and keeping vigilant at night. Apart from bad skin and inability to stay awake in the mornings and noon, I think I still much prefer to be a night owl!

I just feel so alive in the quiet night!!!

Are You a Night Owl?

  • Yes! (73%, 8 Votes)
  • No! I am a robot! I wake up at 6am and sleep at 10pm everyday. (18%, 2 Votes)
  • Zzzzzzzz.. *wake up* *click on vote* Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...... (9%, 1 Votes)
  • I never sleep. Always watching. *stares blankly* (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 11

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