Jul 27 2009
Tough Surviving Without a PC
I came home after a weekend with KuKuNehNeh to find that my PC screen was displaying the Matrix.
Actually, it would have been great if it was really displaying the Matrix and not because of a failing graphics card or a motherboard. I was actually half hoping for Neo or Morpheus to crawl out of my screen Sadako style and offer me the red or the blue pill.
I am trying to get my hands on some hardware before I can isolate the problem and while the PC was rendered useless, I was practically handicapped since yesterday.
While the iPhone provides a very good source of entertainment and a passable web experience, I could not carry out any other task that I do so regularly on the PC.
I really got to solve my ‘Matrix’ woes before I start twitching uncontrollably and stare into the screen. Don’t want my mother checking me into rehab.

4 comments | tags: gadget, graphics card, iphone, motherboard, PC | posted in My-Life
Jul 24 2009
Google Latitude is another interesting project by the company and it is basically a location based service that allows users to update their whereabouts through their GPS equipped phones like the Symbian S60s, Blackberry, Android and now the iPhone.
What’s lacking in the release of Google Latitude for the iPhone is that unlike the other mobile devices which has a native app, the iPhone has to settle for a web app that is accessed by pointing your Safari browsers to www.google.com/latitude. What this means for the iPhone user is that your location cannot be updated constantly through a running background application and thus puts a dent in the full voyeuristic capabilities of Google Latitude.
Blame Apple for that as rumours has it that Apple disapproved of the iPhone app that Google made citing the conflicting capabilities of Latitude VS Google Maps as the reason.

But it’s still fun to be able to use Google Latitude to update my location on the iPhone and check out if any of my friends are nearby.
KuKuNehNeh doesn’t own a compatible phone but there are dangers of her checking out my whereabouts if she decides to add the Google Latitude gadget to iGoogle.

Disclaimer: Of course I had no reason to be in Geylang! Google Latitude allows users to manually set their location for users without a GPS. Really!
6 comments | tags: apple, Geylang, google, google latitude, gps, iGoogle, iphone, location based services, Singapore | posted in My-Views, News-worthy
Jun 24 2009
First of all, no worries that I will spoil anything about the movie in this post because I hate movie reviews that give away too much about the plot and make me feel like printing the blog post down and marching down to the blogger and shoving the paper down his/her throat.
I got to thank my iPhone and my data plan on instances like this when I was travelling underground in the MRT and received the invitation from Alvin of Omy.sg, telling me that United International Pictures (UIP) are giving away 10 pairs of tickets to the SG Blog Awards finalists watch the VIP Gala Premiere of Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen.

KuKuNehNeh (KKNN) was extremely excited when I got news that I was one of the lucky 10 bloggers who got the tickets as she was a big fan of the first installment of the movie even though she can hardly tell an Autobot from a Decepticon much less recognizing who Optimus Prime was when a group of mascots appeared at the Cathay were the premiere was held.

A retro and movie version of Optimus Prime were there amongst the insanely popular Bumble Bee and one Decepticon in the form of Starscream or Megatron. I couldn’t really tell as it looked as though they carefully crafted all the nice Autobot costumes and didn’t know what to do with the remaining material and thus decided to put them together and paint it all grey to make it look like one of the bad guys. I don’t have a picture of that poor dude in that Starscream/Megatron costume but trust me, it was baaaaaad.
KKNN was even more excited after spotting quite a few bloggers from the SG Blog Awards and especially at the local celebrities and came in dribs and drabs like Elvin Ng from Mediacorp.

The picture above summarizes very well what happened: Me before spotting Elvin Ng, KKNN after seeing Elvin, Me after seeing KKNN see Elvin.
So I mopped the remains of the starstruck KKNN from the floor and went up to the cinema theatre where she hoped for Elvin to sit in our theatre while I hoped for Megan Fox to do the same.
The movie was AWESOME! There were more robots and favorities from the original cartoon, longer and cooler fight sequences and the animation was top notch. It was a little draggy in parts because of the over dramatization of certain scences which sometimes involves Megan Fox running in slow motion in a top that left little to the imagination but that didn’t stop us from enjoying the movie thoroughly. I am definitely going to watch it a 2nd time just to check out all the action again.
I do realize that even if I say the movie sucked, people are still going to watch Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen just because of the love for action, the Transformers & Megan Fox.

Thanks to Omy.sg and UIP for the tickets and all the sponsors for the goodie bag!
8 comments | tags: bloggers, blogging, Bumble Bee, data plan, iphone, KuKuNehNeh, Megan Fox, omy.sg, Optimus Prime, premiere, Revenge of the Fallen, Singapore blog awards 2009, Transformers, UIP, United International Pictures | posted in Events, My-Life, My-Views
Apr 9 2009

Remember my review on gothere.sg sometime back? The awesome street guide for Singapore is now giving away an iPhone 3G 8GB!
All you have to do is to use MSN/WLM, GTalk or Twitter to stand a chance to win the iPhone! Full instructions can be found on their website here.
Gothere.sg is one website that is such an undiscovered gem for street directions and they truly deserve more traffic and exposure than what they are having now.
The iPhone 3G giveaway contest ends on 19th April 2009 at 11:59pm. Go spread the word!
By the way, the gothere team is also working on an iPhone app. Can’t wait for it!
4 comments | tags: apple, contest, gothere.sg, iphone, iPhone 3G | posted in Announcements, My-Views, News-worthy