Boardgame Fun At Pitstop Cafe!
Computer and console games are great fun with all the graphics, gore and maybe nudity – depending on what you play you see. But there are some of us who still love the good old boardgames, and that is when we turn to places like Pitstop Cafe to scratch this itch of ours.
Jointly organized by Nadnut and myself, we brought together a bunch of peeps to Pitstop Cafe on her introduction and after arriving there, I realized why she loves it there so much. The staff were helpful and the atmosphere was good and the food ain’t too bad! I’ve been to 2-3 other cafes of a similar theme and I dare say that Pitstop serves the best of the lot.
I had this and it was delicious!
Some of the games we played were Blokus, Spy Alley and I’m The Boss!
One of the lovely moments between Nadnut and Joey *cough*
Attendees were Farinelli, Brian, Leonard, Eunice, Arzhou, Nadnut, Joey, Vincent and myself.
And yes, that is Eunice in a cosplay maid’s dress. And apparently, she flashed at Nadnut. Who said that boardgames are boring affairs?