Apr 16 2008

Ban Me! I Am Worse Than Shadowfox or DeadPris.

It all started off when deadpris cast a vote for ShadowFox to be banned on Ping.sg because,

“He is using the community platform, Ping.sg, to manipulate and distort and propagade views of anti-homosexuality. Don’t give me the bullshit on freedom of speech, this IS Singapore and we have very little freedom of speech here in any case. And, we do not tolerate discrimination here.”


Unfortunately, she forgot to include a poll of sorts for people to vote and Jeff Probst wasn’t around to announce the results of the vote.

tribe has spoken
“ShadowFox, The Tribe has spoken….”


“Who the hell is ShadowFox?”, I thought, while I search for his/her/it’s blog in Ping.sg. As I read through his entries, I totally understand deadpris sentiments towards his blog and her worries about;

“Do we want readers of Ping.sg (many of whom are still young and have not formed serious opinions of the world) to be brainwashed by non-factual researches and words of hatred and discrimination?”


But seriously, there are much worse influences on Ping.sg lar. I caused a 16 yr-old kid who never heard of mIRC to download it and emulate me because of this post. Imagine if this boy grows up to become an ah-gua and ends up being discriminated by people like ShadowFox and then people like deadpris decides to cast a vote again which brings EVEN MORE TRAFFIC to ShadowFox which may cause the boy to commit suicide.




Okay. Now that I have made myself pointless, it’s time to end on a happy note.

Everyone loves a BJ and it’s nice to know that great people like DK are giving out free BJs to people like simplyjean who hasn’t had one yet.

Can I have a BJ too?

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Apr 4 2008

Woo Hoo! Ping.sg Blog Wars!!


When do you know in Ping.sg that a major blog war has started?

pingsg blog wars

1. When the top few posts are about a much discussed topic

2. When “asshole” and “Bitch” appears in the headers.

3. When people choose to pong the missile shooting posts over a heading that reads “WTF: Women enjoy sex, so rape cannot be such a terrible physical ordeal” from Cowboy Caleb

Links below in the order of the screenshot above.

Queen Sheylara, Champion of Ping.sg Game, reveals all

Why Ping.sg didn’t cheat and Bernard’s an asshole

April’s Fool – “Sheylara is a Bitch for Winning”