What Doesn’t Kill Me, Makes Me Stronger

Training has been great from the start of the year ever since I threw my shoes away for Vibram Five Fingers although I was probably overly enthusiastic with the momentum that I faced injury at the end of April. After 4 months of inactivity, I finally started training again at the start of September and the result is even more rewarding when looking at my data and my form.

“What doesn’t kills you, makes you stronger” – Friedrich Neitzche

Of course I don’t train to kill myself  but I definitely can see myself getting stronger after each setback.

krisandro running 2010

Of course I can’t say that I ran as much as the Jan-Apr period since this is only the 2nd month into my current cycle of training but the difference is that I am running further per run on average and taking my slow runs even slower – to the point of finally calling it a jog. I am also running harder for my fast runs and tweaking it here and there to better suit it for long distance training.

I used to think that in order to run fast, one has to train fast but after reading about Japanese marathoners, they really emphasize on clocking mileage and they are extremely fast in the marathon – If I dare say, the fastest group of marathoners one can find in Asia. Some of the Japanese run as much as over 1,200-1,300km per month. That is 300-325km per week and 42.9-46.3km per day even if you ran everyday. A f**king marathon everyday! Crazy much? Haha!

Interestingly, most of their mileage is done at a “slow” 5min/km. Seeing that they race 42.195km at 3min/km, 5min/km is definitely slow for them.

As an Asian, I shall look up to their training (instead of the Americans) and hope that one day, my “slow”  jogs will be as fast as their “slow” ones.

Last year, I finish the Singapore Bay Run/Army Half Marathon in 2hrs 43mins 32secs. I shall aim high and say it here…

I’ll finish the half marathon at Standard Chartered Marathon in under 2hrs on 5th Dec 2010!

Related posts:

  1. Let The Running Begin!
  2. 2.4km Out of the Way, 42.195km to Go
  3. Running with Science
  4. Run Faster And Stronger With Negative Splits
  5. 11 Days Too Little To The SAFRA Singapore Bay Run and Army Half Marathon 2009

4 Responses to “What Doesn’t Kill Me, Makes Me Stronger”

  • Daphne Maia Says:

    JIA YOU! I will be supporting you… er… from my bed, if i don’t make it to the finish line on time… HAHA..

    If you manage to do it under 2km, I treat you ice cream! :) hee.hee.
    Daphne Maia recently posted..The Social Network- A movie reviewMy ComLuv Profile

    • krisandro Says:

      @Daphne: You just had to show how much you are not into running right? It’s under “2 HRS”.. not “2 KM”!!! :P

      But thanks in advance for the ice-cream!

  • eujzin Says:

    tks for sharing abt the japs. 5min per km does sound slow but good news for us Asians. I have many a times exhaust myself at the first few kms only to burn out by the 5th km.
    I shall start slow and build up my energy from then.

    I’m beginning to think it’s suicidal that I’m running full this dec…my trainings so all over the place!

    • krisandro Says:

      @eujzin: Learn to do negative splits. Run the first half conservatively and the reserved energy will help you finish stronger when it matters.

      Good luck for your full! I haven’t made my full marathon debut yet. I am thinking of doing a few more half-marathons first.


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