The Running Curse
I started joining long distance races only last year and signed on for 3 of them so far: Singapore Bay Run 2009 (21km), Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2009 (42km) & Adidas Sundown Marathon 2010 (21km).
A couple of weeks before Singapore Bay Run last year, I was out with flu for a good 3 weeks and struggled to complete the whole of 21km. I didn’t even go for the Standard Chartered run because of a persistent hacking cough that lasted for 3 months before the race.
The Adidas Sundown Marathon 2010 is just this Saturday and guess what? I have been out injured because of a suspected inflamed tendon in my right foot that has been plaguing me for the last 3 weeks. Did I trigger this injury from training?
I got it from chasing down a bloody bus because I wanna get home earlier to run!

Yes. That is my foot and the x-ray scan of it. No. HP Touchsmarts does not do x-ray scans but they sure make a useful backlight to see film like that.
I know that people always have an impression that I am pretty fit and *ahem* I think that is not far from the truth. *cough cough*
But I am and have been quite injury prone throughout my life and while I embark on this long distance running phase of my life, it seems pretty apparent that my injury woes continue to bug me like a persistent STD. (Not that I have one…)
KuKuNehNeh claims that I am cursed from running and told me to stop signing up for races because SOMETHING ALWAYS happens right before the races that displaces me back to square one sometimes even when I was training very hard.
Am I cursed?
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May 26th, 2010 at 5:56 pm
I hope your foot gets better …
What if you don’t join one race, lets see what happens and check if the hypothesis holds true :p
May 30th, 2010 at 12:51 pm
@rinaz: I was actually thinking of joining one more race this Dec and see if the hypothesis holds true. Thanks for the well wishes! My foot sends it’s regards!