Running with Science

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[Image by darkmatter]

Deciding on taking part in my 1st marathon this year has made me trawl through the internet like a hungry hard drive on a data rampage. There are so many things to read about and to learn amidst all the ‘Enter if you are 18′ sites.

I realize I treat the marathon training just like how I treat my gadgets; I always read the manual first, play with it, and then read even more about it online. I think it’s so much efficient this way rather then just slipping into a pair of shoes and running off without an aim and ways to collect statistics for reference. The more I read, the more I understand how similar/different of a level I am with other runners. The more I know about my own body from the statistical data I collect, the better I can plan for my future runs to ensure maximum efficiency.

There is really a wealth of things to learn if one is really interested like me. The right type of attire, the type of shoes for the type of feet, the proper diet, the training schedules, the training types, the breathing techniques, the running techniques, the appropriate running pace, heart rate zones and the list can go on and on and I am still discovering new things as I trudge along.

There is no doubt that a better runner can come along and tell me that knowing all the above is useless knowing that he/she is better/more experienced than me but the point is that by training with science and the proper knowledge, I decrease my chances of injury while maximizing my own potential within the shortest amount of time.

I will be experimenting on myself (sounds weird. I know) with everything I have learnt and share with you guys as I move along.

10km training run coming up today!

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  1. 2.4km Out of the Way, 42.195km to Go
  2. Getting Longer And Faster With Lesser Heart
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