Happy Birthday Bro~!

Happy Birthday Brother~!

Yep! I have a brother. A REAL BLOOD BROTHER. Not friends or half strangers that go, “Yo Bro!”, everytime they see a person with a d**k.

His name is Benne and he is 24 today! I think my Mum has this thing for naming her kids the unconventional way. CHRIS-> KRIS and BENNY -> BENNE.

Anyway, Benne is taller than me, leaner, loves football, Jay Chou and Felicia Chin. He is also picking up the piano and is going to do better then me with my dusty guitar. But most importantly…


All applications to be his gf can apply through me! I need to erm… make sure that you er… qualify you see.

Benne blogs at benishiryo.blogspot.com and he has this interesting comic of his charactor LittleMon! Read more about him and LittleMon at his blog!

benishiryo 470x164


Actually the primary reason why I am plugging him that hard is because…

I got no money to buy him a present this year.


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