Blog Awards II – Why People Should Self Nominate Blog Awards II nominations are NOW OPEN!!!
Er… actually, it has been open for a few days already, just that I am too WOLS to announce it. BUT! Since the nominations will be open for a week, it’s good for everyone to talk/blog about it periodically isn’t it?
Like all most some of the Pingsters, I am very excited about the awards as this only happens once every year and since I only joined Ping in February this year, this is my first time taking part in this event! So what are you waiting for? Vote your favorite and deserving bloggers NOW!
The categories are:
1. Most Entertaining Blog
2. Most Interactive Blog
3. Most Insightful Blog
4. Best Photoblog
5. Best Audio/Video Podcast
6. Most Controversial Post
7. Most Dramatic Post
8. Most Entertaining Post
9. Most Insightful Post
10. Best Citizen Journalism Post
11. Best Review Post
12. Post of the Year (not open for nominations)
13. Blog of the Year (not open for nominations)
[ results will be determined by voting results of the above other categories ]
Click Here to VOTE NOW!
Well if you own a public blog and haven’t even joined…
Don’t want traffic is it? GO WRITE A DIARY INSTEAD!
Before the nominations opened up, I thought that I would easily find nominees to fill all the categories up but I actually had to browse through 25 pages of the top posts of the year to find suitable candidates.
Which brings me to my main point.
I do realize (again) that the most Pong-ed posts in the year does not equate to the best blog/post in ping. It’s just a confluence of factors like popularity, post title, topic & time that brings a post to the top. I am sure that there are many hidden gems in that get pushed down the every flowing page and chucked away like some forgotten treasure.
So, all you bloggers who think that your blog/post is worthy or knows someone who is like that, please nominate yourself or your friend! Nominate yourselves so that the committee at can scrutinize your blog and if it’s good, they will put you up for the voting round!
And if it isn’t good…. well, nobody will know that you nominated lar.
Nobody except….
But in all seriousness again, please nominate yourself or your friends if you deem it worthy!
Oh by the way, I am also in the committee and the bribery may begin now~
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June 11th, 2008 at 11:21 pm
*selflessly nominating in all categories*
Hey wait! Am I one of the TWENTY in the committee too? ROFL!
June 11th, 2008 at 11:22 pm
kris is on the committee but his words carry no weight!! bribe the kitty instead. kitty will ensure that u get into the final nomination list, at least. WHAHAAHHAAHAHA.
*OK in case any silly cow thinks we’re for real, i have to put a disclaimer here… we is cleans! we no takes bribeee!*
(but food can.. hahaha)
Daphne Maias last blog post..Social Media Breakfast: Singapore 2
June 11th, 2008 at 11:26 pm
‘but I actually had to browse through 25 pages of the top posts of the year to find suitable candidates.’
eh? Is there such a feature for commoners like us? Or only teh committee gotch access?
Chaosdingos last blog post..Itsy Btsy Spider By Coldplay? WTF ROFLCOPTER LMAOADE CHICKENIPPLES!
June 11th, 2008 at 11:28 pm
Ok. the answer is ‘I am suaku’
Just spotted that ‘feature’. wow unbelievable. frequent lurker totally donnoe got such feature. LOL.
Paiseh Paiseh. *BOWS*
June 11th, 2008 at 11:30 pm
Damn! Almost thought of nominating you for Most Entertaining Blog. Since you probably self-nominated yourself already, guess I’ll save myself the trouble of doing it
Royss last blog post..Wallpapers Wednesday : The Warlords & God’s Chinese Son
June 11th, 2008 at 11:53 pm
Wah must bribe one!!! Aiyo like that I sure cannot be nominated liao dun even talk about winning.
I think can add one more category as “Most Typo Blog” and I think this I will win confirm plus chop hee hee.
kriscells last blog post..Bye Bye 9 Dragons
June 12th, 2008 at 9:50 am
Community members’ blogs cannot count right? No fair right?!
SOMEONE state the RULES clearly!
WishBoNes last blog post..Double Yebber Dollars for Me!
June 12th, 2008 at 10:34 am
There are about 10+ committee members. We will all be debating and deciding if each entry is worthy to be in the final nominees. When it’s the committee member’s blog is being debated, he/she will have no say about it.
uzyns last blog post..Twitter Killed My Blog
June 12th, 2008 at 10:40 am
*attempts to bribe … daph with hello kitty stuff and kris with prawns*
xinyuns last blog post..8 Things Tag
June 12th, 2008 at 10:49 am
Uzyn: remember last year, committee members were begging to get their post/blogs removed from the list :p
arzhous last blog post..Finally a proper post about Ar-weiser
June 13th, 2008 at 12:58 am
claudia> Yes yes! You are part of the committee! You may start accepting bribes as well!
Daphne Maia> *Offers kitteh a tub of chocolate*
Chaosdingo> Yew ish jin Suaku lor!
Roys> Good point! I must add that “People should not assume that their favourite bloggers will nominate themselves!”

kriscell> Join ne♀0t years committee and ask Uzyn to add tt category in!
WishBoNe> It’s too late. You might as well nominate more of me. Wahahahaa
uzyn> If I got no say, I will stuff you with mango sandwiches and put you on a bus that doesn’t stop.. See if you still enjoy looking out windows.
xinyun> Don’t forget what you said! Saturday is coming!
arzhou> Whoops… this year got me who is encouraging ppl to self-nominate… Wahahahahaa
June 16th, 2008 at 8:59 pm
[...] reading Krisandro’s post on why we should nominate ourselves and our friends… I decided that we should all be as thick [...]
June 24th, 2009 at 7:09 pm
hahaha no best food blog! i used to ping at ping, but never liao. lol
ladyironchefs last blog post..Sweet Nibbles (Part 3): Monday blues