Tips On How To Tackle The Elusive Pretty Woman
First of all, I have to say that I am by no means a love guru nor a player who is speaking from experience from bedding all the hot babes from Tuas to Changi. I am just a guy who loves to read a lot on the psychology of humans and especially on BGRs.
[Image from Flickr]
The title should have been ‘Tips On How To Tackle The Elusive Beautiful Woman’ but to me, beauty comes from within and its not about looks. For example, KuKuNehNeh is definitely not a 10/10, but she is beautiful to me. My mum may be old and wrinkled but she is the most beautiful woman I know. So, when I say ‘pretty’, I do mean the ladies that are rated 8 to 10/10 on the looks factor. Of course I do recognize that every woman is different and the following might not work on the 10/10 girl and work on the 3/10 girl instead.
Once again, I will like to emphasize that the following information you are about to digest are of bits and pieces of my reads and observations and not of my own personal experience.
So, you met this hot looking girl at a club, the gym, at your workplace, the pool or even your HDB void deck. One look and you immediately rate her as a 10/10. You would die if you didn’t get to know her. What would you do?
1. Go up to her and deliver your cheesy pickup line. “Did anyone ever tell you that the stars are in your eyes?”
2. Write your number and name and pass it to her without saying much.
3. Secretly take her picture and bring the photo to a bomoh to cast a love spell.
Unfortunately, the 3 methods won’t work 99% of the time, unless you are a 10/10 guy to her as well. Even then, she might not even give two flying ducks about the 10/10 guy.
The 10/10 girl is a creature that have been complimented all her life. She has been bombarded with praises from all sorts of people and men have been pouring in numbers just to know her first name. So, if you are just a regular dude, how do you rise above the competition to even get to know her, much less to win her heart?
First, guys need to understand the reality factor. A 4/10 guy will have little or no chance getting a 10/10 girl. Before all you people that go, “But Kris! LOOKS DON’T MATTER!” start to flame me, please look around yourself. Everyone who is with another always have looks that are within range of each other. Of course there will be exceptions of couples who resemble ‘The Beauty & The Beast’, but that is such a small minority till the point of insignificance. Reality is, everyone, whether consciously or unconsciously, has a MINIMUM standard in how you want your other half to look.
Of course, every guy might over or under-estimate your looks factor and it’s not wrong to just try anyway. The secret about trying is not about methods but about giving up and moving on to the next target when you know the 10/10 is not interested in you.
When you do approach the 10/10 or any other female for that matter, she will immediately size you up even BEFORE you speak. On a scale of 100% in terms of interest, she will put you somewhere around the middle if you are lucky.
[Image from Flickr]
What do you say next? A simple ‘Hi’ will do really. Frankly, most pickup lines suck anyway. And you will actually decrease her interest level if you tried to deliver some funky line. Imagine if she doesn’t understand it the first time and your confidence plummets as you deliver it a 2nd time. If she is pleased at what she sees, a ‘Hi’ will do. If she thinks you look like shit with legs, it doesn’t matter if you can charm a corpse to rise from a grave.
Do not offer your name if you can. Chat her up with something related to the place or whatever she is doing. Keep it light and work on her answers if you can. Have her talk more then you. Girls hate it when you interrogate them as though you are filling a questionnaire. If she keeps answering your questions with one word answers, game over. If she is still not interested enough to ask for your name, you can ask now with the ‘I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine’ method.
“Hey, my name is Ah Kow, And you are….?”
Now, do not spend too much time talking with her till she wants to end it before you do. Chat her up, have her tell you her name or ask for yours first if able. End the conversation yourself by saying that you have to leave and ask for her number. Some women will say no, others will ask why, some will even ask for yours instead and refusing to give theirs.
Do not give them your number. Ever. It will most probably end up in the 1st rubbish bin she sees when you are out of her sight or in a recycling bin if she is eco-friendly. This is the last ‘test’ you can do on her to gauge her interest level on the 1st encounter. If she doesn’t want to give it to you. Don’t grovel and beg or ask why. Just be polite, say it’s alright, thank her for the conversation and walk away. If you got her number and she asked for yours, be cheeky and say, “No. I’ll call you.” and leave with a smile.
Congratulations, you got her number and you said ‘No’ to the 10/10 girl who hears ‘Yes’ 90% of her life.
Stay tuned for, “You got her number, what next?”
Related posts:
- Who is Worse? The Woman With The Padded Bra Or Plastic Melons?
- Girl, 17, Wants Nice and Cute Girls to ‘Go Stead’ with Her BF
- Tips On How To Tackle The Elusive Pretty Woman (Part II)
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May 16th, 2008 at 11:33 am
Haha…that’s why I think it’s better to size a female up before chatting her up. It takes experience…
Good read though, quite interesting.
May 16th, 2008 at 2:53 pm
What if she replies like “You’re the one who tried to sell me tissue papers right?!?”
Anyway, interesting post.![:P](/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_razz.gif)
May 16th, 2008 at 4:31 pm
CHEY! Anyway, those aren’t real tips until it’s tried and tested heheeh.
Er, but KKNN will kill u hor. Nvm. Tell her it’s for research purposes!!
Wendys last blog post..Theme changing in progress!
May 16th, 2008 at 5:04 pm
aw, now if only more guys read your blog.
niks last blog post..Petty Old Man!
May 16th, 2008 at 6:47 pm
You never mention the shirt I’m selling!
May 16th, 2008 at 10:00 pm
[...] Testimonials nuffnang_bid_sing = “f6179dbf0ff9ee858c521eba329fbb99″; « Tips On How To Tackle The Elusive Pretty Woman [...]
May 17th, 2008 at 12:33 am
MLMaestro> While, if u size up too much, you will hesitate. Sometimes its gd to just take the plunge.
hendri> LOL. Ah Kow likes it tt you mentioned him.
Wendy> It has been tested actually. Overseas.
nik> awww… if only everyone trusts me as much as you do.
Dingo> (((PLUG )))
May 17th, 2008 at 12:35 am
You have no idea how tiring it is to hear the same old line again. “Did anyone tell you you’re hot?”
Personally I think it’s more fun when the guy tries to do something creative rather than just compliment me. Even if his attempt falls flat on his face, both of us laugh and that sparks off the chemistry.
May 17th, 2008 at 12:42 am
precious> EXACTLY! Tt is what I am trying to drive at. Instead of groveling at the feet of the 10/10 women and gg after her like a hound. DO it the different way!
May 17th, 2008 at 1:03 am
one day this guy came to me and suddenly mentioning my name. Of course I asked where did he get my name from. Soon after I asked, I realize there’s a keychain hanging in my bag spelling my name (but it wasn’t Sylv.. My other nickname). But do you know what he said? “Well, actually I’m kinda psychic. I can know your name without asking”. OMGWTFBBQLOL
sylvs last blog post..Cute like hell!
May 17th, 2008 at 9:26 am
10/10 girls dont always end up with 10/10 guys lor.
walk around orchard road n u wil see soooo many beauties with beasts. LOL!
but that besides the pt… why so humble? i know u think KKNN is 10/10. haha. i also think so!! *be careful, i’m a not-so-closet-bi* WHAHAHA. ok kidding.![:P](/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_razz.gif)
May 17th, 2008 at 9:54 am
aw, lol. it’s true what, i mean, it’s tiring listening to guy friends trying to plot how to pick up a girl x__x
gah. it’s weird .___.
that time i go do cip at library also got guys trying to find chiobu thr o_o
blehh. x__x
niks last blog post..Petty Old Man!
May 18th, 2008 at 5:04 pm
Sylv> I’ve seen tt method many times. Did that work on you? LOL
Daphne> Oh yes… that I agree. There are studies recently tt says ppl tend to not want the other halfs to be as good looking as them. But of cuz there is still some minimum standards mostly. 10/10s hardly want a 4/10 by her side.
nik> Girls are always so mysterious, of cuz guys have to share knowledge and tactics to minimize failure mah.
May 18th, 2008 at 8:21 pm
Had to agree on using tactics works much better than the usual sucky pickup lines… =P
May 20th, 2008 at 11:26 pm
Don’t mind i add a few tips.
When approaching a hottie or any girl. Always use a false time constraint. e.g Quick question ,i can only stay a sec cause i got to rejoin my friends over there. And you start by asking something interesting and get her to participate in the conversation.
Why use the time constraint? Because when someone stop you and want to chat with you. The two things going through your mind will be “How long is this person staying here” and “Why is this person talking to me”.
So by using it , the hottie will be more relax and willing to hear you out.
Adrians last blog post..Can pigs really fly?
May 21st, 2008 at 1:53 am
Ting> Yah… glad you agree!
Adrian> You know your stuff man… hahahahaaha
June 23rd, 2008 at 9:43 am
i haven’t try your tips but when i say
hey, my name is … and yours?
what if she reply “i never ask your name, fuck u and go away”.
June 23rd, 2008 at 11:42 am
sweet tongue >> Well..if a girl say that to you , it really shows how bad her personality is. Even if she should reject you , she shouldn’t have used the F word. And knowing her bad inside , you wouldn’t want to spend your life with her. So i got three options. Option A is to smile and say “Nice talking to you, have a nice day.” Be a gentleman, she may be having a really bad day and there are other girls looking at you so you don’t want to appear like a dick by scolding her back.
Option B is to be used if she is the last girl you are hitting on and leaving the place. You say “Oh so your name is fuck you and go away? Thats a pretty long and interesting name. Did you just come out from the amazon forest?” and then smile and walk away fast haha.
Option C is to say “Oh wow you did a me great favor by telling me upfront. you know i have been talking to girls all night and to find out that i don’t have a chance with them because they have a bf and stuff.” and then you follow up by asking her why girls waste your time if they already has a bf. This is a 50 50 chance to get her to talk to you. Leave nicely if she rejects you again.
Hope my options help.![:)](/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
Adrians last blog post..Girls and their sense of direction..
June 24th, 2008 at 11:33 pm
Sweet tongue> Adrian basically answered it… In short, feel blessed that this girl is so straightforward to reject you on the spot… you can save time and move on!
May 21st, 2009 at 12:28 pm
how to express my feeling to a pretty women and how should i know the feeling she has on me.