You Think Search Engines Like Google Have The Answer? Think Again..

Almost everyone has traffic coming from searches made at engines such as Google and Yahoo. My blog is no different and this is the list of keywords from the last 1000 entries that got people coming to my website.

weird keyword searches 187x1000[Click to Enlarge]


If you did scroll through the list, good for you. If you didn’t, congrats, because I wouldn’t either.



Anyway, these are the top 10 funny search terms from the list above.

#10. Incest Testimonials

Erm… What is an ‘Incest Testimonial’? LOL!

“Hi, I am living in an incestuous family. I like it and you should too!”


#9. Booty Lotion

booty lotion

For the best bootilicious experience~


#8. KuKu

KuKuNehNeh! Someone searched for YOU! WAHAHAHAHAH!!!!


#7. Pubic; Horny; Jurong

I am so bloody curious to what this guy/girl was searching for….


#6. You Bith For My Pleasure

My WHAT for YOUR pleasure?


#5. Women Measuring Dicks

Someone looking to hire a professional lady to measure a male genitalia I think. LOL


#4. Sia Girlfriend Mustache

Someone has a VERY INTERESTING fetish.


#3. Shower of Sperm

I am sorry if my site disappointed this person. I got no bukkake pics.


#2. What to say to get horyn in cybersex

Try “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”. Guaranteed horYness.


#1. Aunties Panties

I think the person who searched for #4 is looking for an attire for his mustached SIA girlfriend.


Related posts:

  1. Why Male Bloggers Have it Tough!
  2. Stop looking like Lao Fu Zi!!!
  3. Father and Daughter Has a Love Child Together(Incest! WTF!)
  4. Measuring The World in Dicks
  5. My Interview Experience With SIA

7 Responses to “You Think Search Engines Like Google Have The Answer? Think Again..”

  • LifeGoals Says:

    Sometimes Google just indexes you for the weirdest things ever. One of the reason is that if that particular search term has no direct results, Google will just serve up the nearest match which it thinks is what the user is looking for.

    Good thing or bad thing ? Depends on whether the person searching for the SIA girlfriend mustache thing got his result.: )

  • The Horny Bitch Says:

    That is a bloody long list. For mine.. type horny will link liao..

    May the best win. Haha.

  • krisandro Says:

    LifeGoals> Yes! they really index sites weirdly. Anyway, I think your site has very nice colors!

    THB> I tried searching for ‘horny’ leh.. dunch have. HAHAHA
    Anyway, i dun wanna go up against u lor.. you got a whole legion of fans.. can you just quit? I give you a mousepad… let me have the laptop

  • tianhong Says:

    wahh so good at least you get steady traffic from ….

  • AngryAngMo Says:

    Dude…its already tremendous what people are searching for…BUT, why do these seachterms lead to YOUR blog…haha :)

  • malique Says:

    only smarties have the answer.

  • krisandro Says:

    tianhong> from….? weird searches? :D

    AngryAngMo> Eh! good to see u here dude! Did you come here by searching for “auntie panties”? hehehehehehee

    malique> Tt line is ancient leh my fuzzy, wuzzy, cuddly teddy bear


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