My Interview Experience With SIA
I applied to be a cabin crew today. Air steward lar, not stewardess . Friends and a couple of guys I met at the interview asked me if I tried out for the pilot vocation prior to this, given my ‘experience’ in the Air Force. No offense to all the stewards and stewardesses out there, but I feel that it takes a lot more passion and commitment to be a pilot. So my plan was to try out the life of a cabin crew, before deciding if flying was my thing.
Having spent Saturday night at Mayday’s Concert (will blog about it later), and only managing to sleep at 4am, I snoozed through my alarms at 7am, 7.15am, 7.30am and a backup clock that rang at 7.40am. I only woke up to the ring tone of my girl calling. I have no recollection of me pressing the snooze button on my HP nor my backup alarm clock. That is how tired I was.
I manage to reach Sheraton Towers 15mins after 9am and there is probably about 400 people or more already waiting. At first, I thought I overdressed in my sleek black pants, white striped shirt, cuff links and tie as I see people wearing all sorts of funky attire. Luckily, I see more similarly dressed gentlemen as I walked by more people. HARLO! INTERVIEW FOR SIA LEH! NOT SINGAPORE IDOL LEH!
Scanning through the faces in the crowd, I could immediately tell which ones are going to breeze through because of their looks, unless they had speech problems lar.
“I.. I… lub… er… lub to join SIA.. beecuz ah…. I er… lub to fly lor. Huh? How to spell lub? Yew dunno meh? ‘L’, ‘U’, ‘B’ lor….”
I had to wait an hour plus to be assigned to a group of 10 guys and had to wait another hour for the first interview. The first round had all 10 of us facing a panel of 2 lady judges and after greeting us, they asked,
“Within a minute, please tell us a little about yourself and what you expect from a career as a cabin crew.”
Such a simple question but I was the very first in line to answer the question. 4 hours of sleep, 9hrs of hunger and 10 seconds of reaction time and I said,
“Good morning everyone! My name is Kris which is spelled as ‘K’, ‘R’, ‘I’ ,’S’ and I am pretty sure that if I do get into SIA, my nick will be KrisFlyer.”
(Laughter from the judges and the panel)
I then talked about my newfound interest in travel and hope to realize that interest of mine while being paid to do so. I thought I screwed up despite tickling the floor as SIA is a service orientated company and I should have talked about my DYING LOVE OF SERVING PEOPLE DRINKS *twist fingers*. One guy talked about having a family of SIA background; another talked about his love for making people smile; one talked about wanting to be a steward since young. It’s his LIFELONG dream or something. If you are that guy reading this, I hope you didn’t lie or you’ll need to prepare for a long confession with your pastor.
Results were out after another 20-30mins of waiting. AND I MADE IT! 7 out of the 10 dudes got through and we had to wait another 1 hr for round 2. As we stood outside the doors of the next room, there were hints floating around that it was a round of ‘cat walking’. I LOL-ed at that thought. I had to mentally keep my hunchback walk and ah-beng swing in check.
In the room we go and this time, I wasn’t the 1st. I had my chance to see what the invigilator was looking at. Her instructions were to walk towards her from a room distance, Stop at a meter before her. raise both hands to our fronts, flip our hands to let her see the other side and then stand to our right and to our left.
Throughout this whole time, the invigilator looked at her papers as the guys walked towards her. ONCE in a while would she briefly glance at their legs. When they were told to rotate their bodies to the left and the right, would she then look at their faces with interest.
I thought to myself,
“GREAT! It’s just a face inspection after all. I battled acne for years. My face isn’t smooth like your butt leh.”
Like a few other guys, I was told to step CLOSER to her after the end of the walk towards her. Guess what? The guys who did that had bad skin like me. She needed to see more clearly. I wouldn’t be surprised if she took out a magnifying glass.
A good half an hour later, the results were out and only 3 out of the 10 guys who went it got through. Brave smiles, handshakes and whispers of “End of the road” and “Good luck” were exchanged before we went our separate ways.
Well, maybe after writing this post, any chances of joining the airline later might be severely crippled but I really need to relate the experience.
In conclusion, I think that if looks and good skin were so important in their selection process, it should have been the FIRST round. A person can’t do much for that day if he is ‘ugly’ or is ridden with facial scars or pigmentation. So, why not do it right at round 1? Just send people home if their looks do not qualify. Let round 2 and 3 be chances for personality to shine through. With a minute of thinking, I can shine through speech and confidence, but I can’t make my face smooth like toufu for the same one min. Heck, not even for a year.
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April 27th, 2008 at 9:53 pm
Wasted, thought that as a steward, all you need is a good personality… Time to change your face bro! =X
April 27th, 2008 at 9:58 pm
I agree…
April 27th, 2008 at 10:54 pm
Totally agree with you – went down today and gosh the wait was an agonizing 4 hours before my group #50 went for round 1. 7 of us made it to Kebaya round and it was only after all the frantic fitting of kebayas, walking up & down for the interviewer, when 1 girl was told “your braces will effect your speech”. She replied “It’s coming off next month”. Interviewer didn’t budge, girl goes and ask someone else and yes apparently braces are not accepted at all.
Why didn’t someone use their common sense and save that poor girl (i’m sure she’s not the only 1) 5 hours of her life on a Sunday?!
Well anyway, don’t think that anything we say will make them change their interview process….
April 27th, 2008 at 11:26 pm
they need to pretend they are not so superficial mah. what to do.
later tio kan.
OMG i noe!!!! write a forum letter O.O
April 28th, 2008 at 1:14 am
Ting> I want to change to buttface! Smooth with cheeks to boot!
Waffle> Orh! One vote for ‘I agree’, 0 votes for the rest.
emoochick> Yeah, looking at amount of girls there, I think u all had to wait longer. I hope u made it!
Wendy> but I saw thru the pretense leh…. like tt considered tt i kan-ed them anot?
April 28th, 2008 at 1:17 am
i don think so…. Rd 2 is actually looking at your appearance.. true for that but i think they looking at your tidiness and whether are u serious in the interview. Finger nail not cut and hair untidy, maybe u wan to try again since u are not ready for this rd. its the same when u go for interview in the outside. same goes for the braces. if next month then take out, then try again next month. some people try more then 7 times in order to get into SIA. honestly speaking, i see people CMI but yet got into SIA and some really good looking and with the height and personallity but don get selected in the 2nd rd. Are they not good looking enough. i don think so. What i can say is if this is what u wan, don give and keep trying. u may not know that maybe that specific day, the interviewer likes u and u get through all the rd.
April 28th, 2008 at 2:32 am
It’s a pity SIA place such great importance on looks. C’mon, service standards can’t be judged by looks alone, and definitely should not be the first criteria. I’ve been in the hospitality industry for 5 years, I do admit looks play a part, but ultimately its your attitude, passion and sincerely that makes you shine and survive in this line..
April 28th, 2008 at 8:53 am
SIA doesn’t really look for model-alike stewards, and it’s more about composure and presentation. The selection atmosphere for stewards is also very very different from selecting stewardess. And they definitely don’t want people to stand lazily or move in a silly way.
I went for the interview a couple years back with a buddy after I shut my first business. I was accepted eventually, but I didn’t sign the contract. I was merely there to accompany my buddy, whose supposedly better looking than me by a mile.
So SIA is not really into looks (extensively) for stewards.
April 28th, 2008 at 9:01 am
Shuffling the order wouldn’t change anything except save you more time. But then again it would waste the handsome dude’s guy who can’t speak for nuts instead
April 28th, 2008 at 11:53 am
Congrats on making through the first round. It takes guts to go for SIA interviews.
Kris-Flyer …. hmmm… that was how I called you the other time @ shoutbox
April 28th, 2008 at 11:55 am
Jim, Ed and Hungzai> I think you all missed my point totally or I could have mislead people when I said “…if looks and good skin were so important in their selection process…”
When I say looks are important, I do not mean tt SIA looks for model like faces. In fact, this is highly not the case. ‘Presentable’ is the word. LOOKING like the image of the air steward tt SIA wants is impt. And this is fair in this world.
It’s just that, people can’t do anything in the short run to LOOK the part but the person who LOOKS the part who lacks personality can still save the day depending on what he says.
It’s obvious that I failed because of my facial scars in the 2nd round and its no different bringing a guy past the 1st round and telling him that he failed because he was 1cm too short. The short guy can’t help it and neither can the guy who does not LOOK the part.
Ppl cant help it if they do not look the part, why not eliminate them 1st, instead of wasting their time.
April 28th, 2008 at 12:03 pm
Yve> Unfortunately, in various jobs, you need a certain amount of looks. Attitude, passion and sincerity is hard to show in an interview and can mostly be only realized by others in the long run. I wish you luck in your career!
April 28th, 2008 at 12:18 pm
No choice in this instance. If superficial criteria were assessed first, it could be misconstrued as discriminatory. By applying the standard interview first and then having the ‘inspection’ thereafter, they are essentially protecting themselves against any allegations.
Remember, it’s one thing to be turned away at the outset due to looks/appearance but quite another to be ‘filtered out’ at a subsequent stage.
As for those who managed to get in at subsequent attempts, I believe it is a case of how the applicant fares in comparison to other applicants. If the particular crop is not so good, then an otherwise-fringe applicant would be selected.
April 28th, 2008 at 7:22 pm
Congrats on making through the interview. You mentioned about some previous ‘experience’ with the Air Force. May I ask which vocation?
April 28th, 2008 at 8:09 pm
It’s looks no more liao la… The steawrds I know look so-so only but they look harmless.
Anw, that KriFlyer thing is funny. Life as a steward will seriously cripple ur future if u decided not to fly so it’s not a bad thing after all.
April 28th, 2008 at 8:57 pm
I love your “KrisFlyer” line!
Anyway, if they had placed personality and presentation above looks and physical presentation, then they would have placed that interview first.
My guess the reason why it’s only 2nd round they look at your looks is because if you look good but can’t carry yourself then they wouldn’t want to consider you. Or.. perhaps.. to give people the impression that.
April 28th, 2008 at 11:42 pm
Chanced upon your blog thru…
You will be better off trying for pilot. Steward/stewardess serve pilot, not the other way round 
You made them laugh!
It is their lost that they did not select you
First round, they usually look for ppl who can carry themselves well and speak well and you did that
Anyway, that is not much to look forward as a steward nowadays. You do get to travel around the world but with minimum stay. If you joined 10yrs ago, that will be different.
All the best to your future!
April 29th, 2008 at 12:37 am
Please check your service that manages the blog feed and/or comment-update-via-email function. I received altogether 4 update emails for the posts following my entry and the last 2 were each followed by the same ‘You’re A Lottery Winner’ spam/phishing email within 2 minutes of each (eg. 11.42pm email update, 11.44pm spam message).
In the last month (at least) the only feed/update subscription was here, so I am 99% certain about this ‘allegation’.
I am not angry or upset but just want to alert you so that you can ‘fire’ the provider of this service. If any of the other ‘commenters’ have similar experiences, please update the blog owner so that this can be verified, thanks.
Kris, please feel free to email me if you need further information, thanks! (Also, sorry to be the bearer of bad news.)
April 29th, 2008 at 1:40 am
alwaysLovely> The KrisFlyer line was inspiration from you!
Alvin> Eh dude… read carefully. I didn’t make it… LOL. Which vocation I was? WSO(C3)
THB> MAYBE THATS IT! Maybe I looked ‘harmful’ tt day!
Priss> I think its the latter; they wanted to give the false impression tt looks are secondary
LZmommy> Eh, I think cabin crew do not serve the pilot, nor the other way round lar.. everyone has a role to play. We shouldn’t belittle every role. Thanks for well wishes!
Ganga> Don’t be sorry for that pls! I should be the one apologizing if I am the cause of the spam. I am subscribed to my blog via RSS and so I dun think its due to that. I shall check more on the subscription to comments. Thanks again for the feedback!
May 13th, 2008 at 4:31 pm
ED : Are you trying to say you’re ugly or what?! LOL
May 28th, 2008 at 10:05 am
[...] Also, there are tips for airlines crews wannabe who are preparing for interviews with SIA, like krisandro maybe (though a bit too [...]
July 3rd, 2008 at 3:52 pm
It’s all very ambiguous. If looks are SIA’s top criteria in recruitment process, then why are there so many average-looking girls working for SIA? (really. after they remove their make-up… a whole different story)
Bottomline: It’s all based on heng suay.
missybrowneyess last blog post..the trouble with poetry
July 5th, 2008 at 1:19 pm
oh well, looks is important as this airline IMAGE is about their FSS/FS =) If you try other airline.. they will be slight lenient on this?
Not quite sure ya~!
You wont care of Kopitiam uncle and auntie face right?
But if you go to posh hotel .. u would like to see ur server as beautifully presented as your foods are served..
Same goes for places like Hugo Boss and Urban Males.. True?
But not all are cute la.. =) there are lucky ones too
yunyuns last blog post..Y’Real Love Story: All for J (Part2)
July 7th, 2008 at 3:38 am
Kris, I didnt know you tried till I read the nomination list!
Well, looks is one thing but personality is the one most important factor that the company is looking out for. A little bit of luck also do come into play during the interview.

Joycies last blog post..Bunny is going to Zurich
July 9th, 2008 at 1:03 pm
Actually on the contrary, when I was interviewed, a girl with braces lasted all the way to the last interview (not sure what happened then) and her braces were only coming off a few months later.
Astas last blog post..Nerdo.
July 9th, 2008 at 11:29 pm
missybrowneyes> It’s true that it is a bit on heng suay. Maybe that day, all the guys they seen had baby smooth skin.
yunyun> Not that I look bad lar (I hope…) It’s just that my facial scars are relatively prominent.
Joycie> Hello buny! I support the fact that looks plays a part. I am just not happy that it is considered AFTER the 1st round of interview. I just feel that people cannot do anything if ‘looks’ fail but can do something within the day for confidence in personality.
Asta> Good that you brought it up. There is inconsistency in their selection process but then again… They are only human.
July 15th, 2008 at 11:10 pm
i jz read ur post..
because i’m also interested in being a steward..
well, my face i think is jz like urs..
not as smooth as tau fu…
i think i gonna to fail too..
dun need to go for interview as well…
July 16th, 2008 at 7:52 am
yun > krisandro
As long as concealer could cover. It should do the magical touch.
i believe with the way you present yourself, the chances are higher than others already. Keep it up dude! *Gambatte* =)
yunyuns last blog post..Castle 4: The Princess
July 17th, 2008 at 11:50 pm
jeff> Dude! You should just try. There are always exceptions!
yunyun> Thanks for the suggestion and believing in me but I am really not gg to try again. =D
July 19th, 2008 at 6:34 am
wahaha .. really ar?
well.. perhaps u have a better focus in life..
wish u the best ya~!
keep bloggin ..
coz yun is reading~!!
yunyuns last blog is a word far from her
July 22nd, 2008 at 10:37 am
yunyun> I am subscribed to your blog as well!
September 10th, 2008 at 3:07 pm
wow, thanks dude for posting such gd article!
Am going for SIA open call on this 21, hope can make it!
Thanks for sharing the experience!
What is your sugusstion for the 1st round question?
sense od humour?
thansk and have a great day
September 30th, 2008 at 7:03 pm
Hello, chanced upon your blog and interesting article. Me too no toufu skin but i saw many steward salah and short one all get in. I tried 7 times in 4 years time and enough liao lah. Is fated one and heng suang yes and sometimes a lot of people with connections get in. Got one time, i got into second round which is one on one at SIA training centre. Guess what, while i was sitting waiting to go in, this interviewer from first round, which i believe is CCE for recruitment, a char bor (those typicals A students in NUS/NTU lah) came in with her either cousin or brother and told the guy who assign room to put the boy into one interviewer room, then she proceed to go into that room (obviously telling interviewer, yo! Sir, is my brother, give chance huh). and guess that the brother/cousin is short, like ah-beng, never wear tie still never mind, sleeve fold up somemore. of course get in lah..haha. that scene until now i still remember. haha….between i speak very good english and use singlish coz i wanna keep it real and not be those act act one. i am now based in europe though. Keep trying and good luck!!!
October 8th, 2008 at 2:04 pm
Thanks for your insight on how the interview is like. At least now i kinda know what to expect.
I’m very keen to give it a try… i’m 183cm tall but pretty lanky, so i dont know if im gg to make it in the gd looks department.
October 14th, 2008 at 11:54 am
hey wanna ask you… are all the girls who went for interview slim? any chance of seeing a bigger size then normal
October 14th, 2008 at 11:40 pm
gary> Hey there! I think answering the qn with humour is risky. So I guess you should just answer it with confidence and sense.
Daniel Tab> Thanks for the words of encouragement. And congrats to you for succeeding!
Ivan> You don’t have be good looking. Being presentable will do!
sharon> ‘Slim’ is such a relative word. I guess that they have an acceptable BMI and vital statistic range. Do go down and try out if you are unsure
October 17th, 2008 at 3:08 am
Apr 28th, 2008 at 12:18 pm
No choice in this instance. If superficial criteria were assessed first, it could be misconstrued as discriminatory. By applying the standard interview first and then having the ‘inspection’ thereafter, they are essentially protecting themselves against any allegations.
Remember, it’s one thing to be turned away at the outset due to looks/appearance but quite another to be ‘filtered out’ at a subsequent stage.
As for those who managed to get in at subsequent attempts, I believe it is a case of how the applicant fares in comparison to other applicants. If the particular crop is not so good, then an otherwise-fringe applicant would be selected.
*above answer is the correct one..they could eliminate u frm the first round but there is rules and regulation.
-Air Asia HR- once upon a time
January 13th, 2009 at 3:26 pm
dude.. added you to my site link..
see ya around.. =)
yunyuns last blog post..sorry not possible
January 13th, 2009 at 4:58 pm
Hey Yunyun! Thanks for the linkup!