Are You a Night Owl?
3 hours past Christmas midnight, I was delivered into the world at Alexandra Hospital. Yeah, even at birth, I was different than all of you boring KK hospital babies.
I guess my Mother was pretty irritated at me. Of all times to give birth, I had to choose 3am. During my baby years, I was an angel in the mornings. But when night came, I stayed awake and wailed, refusing to go to sleep even with coaxing.
My father chose to put on ear plugs to filter out my wailing and my poor Mother had to stay awake for a good part of the early mornings just to coax me back to sleep. She claimed that she sometimes thought of just throwing me down the HDB building as she was pretty stressed.
Of course she didn’t do it but I wouldn’t be surprised if she got frustrated and choke-slammed me a few times.
Will you throw such a cute baby down a HDB? (I hear YESSSS!!!)
Growing up through my teenage years, I also loved to stay awake at the wee hours of the morning. Playing games, chatting on the mIRC kept me awake through the night.
As I grew up into a working adult, I had to conform to the ‘regular human sleeping patterns’ and I always never felt quite right.
Now that I am a freelancer, I am starting to fall back into the vampire mode and keeping vigilant at night. Apart from bad skin and inability to stay awake in the mornings and noon, I think I still much prefer to be a night owl!
I just feel so alive in the quiet night!!!
Are You a Night Owl?
- Yes! (73%, 8 Votes)
- No! I am a robot! I wake up at 6am and sleep at 10pm everyday. (18%, 2 Votes)
- Zzzzzzzz.. *wake up* *click on vote* Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...... (9%, 1 Votes)
- I never sleep. Always watching. *stares blankly* (0%, 0 Votes)
Total Voters: 11

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- True Story: My ‘Out-Of-Body’ Experience (PART II)
- True Story: My ‘Out-Of-Body’ Experience (PART III)
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April 14th, 2008 at 11:19 pm
I’m born at night. No wonder I can don’t sleep and party non stop.
April 14th, 2008 at 11:35 pm
I also born in Alexandra Hospital! =P
April 15th, 2008 at 1:16 am
THB>Yewwww drink, drank, drunk ah? Y yewww got a “C” missing in your name?
Ting>TTs why you my sista wad! Right on!